Quake Live invites you to celebrate it's first year of public beta and brings an update along with a
review of this first year of Quake Live. The update includes for the most part a new CTF map 'Fallout Bunker', advanced ingame settings menu and Bloom as a postprocessing effect.
- Added new arena, 'Fallout Bunker' - qzctf5 (from Q3 Addon Team Arena)
- Added new award, 'The First of Many!' - to celebrate the conclusion of the first year of QUAKE LIVE open beta.
- Added r_enableColorCorrect <0|1> (default: 1). Toggle the Color Correction post processing effect (Requires r_enablePostProcess 1).
- Added r_enableBloom <0|1|2> (default: 0). Toggle the Bloom post processing effect (Requires r_enablePostProcess 1).
- Added r_bloomBrightThreshold <0-1> (Requires Bloom Enabled) The lower the threshold, the more will be bloomed.
- Added r_bloomSaturation <0-10> (Requires Bloom Enabled) The higher the bloom saturation, the more colorful the bloom.
- Added r_bloomIntensity <0-10> (Requires Bloom Enabled) The higher bloom intensity, the brighter the bloom.
- Added r_bloomSceneSaturation <0-10> (Requires Bloom Enabled) The higher the scene saturation, the more colorful the non-bloomed world is.
- Added r_bloomSceneIntensity <0-10> (Requires Bloom Enabled) The higher the scene intensity, the brighter the non-bloomed world is.
- Added 'postprocess_restart' command
- Added cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor <0|1> (default: 0). Force enemies' grenades and rails to use 'Enemy Upper Color' (cg_enemyUpperColor).
- Added cg_forceTeamWeaponColor <0|1> (default: 0). Force teammates' grenades and rails to use 'Team Upper Color' (cg_teamUpperColor).
- Added Wide Beam lightning style (cg_lightningStyle 5), a nostalgic request from Q3 players.
- Fixed the 'play <sound>' exploit that would allow you to play unpure .wav files that were named with .txt or .cfg file extensions.
- Fixed the machinegun accuracy calcuation when firing at the Invulnerability Sphere, it was generating impossibly large accuracy values.
- Removed artifact in large in-game font's '0' character.
- Fixed keel/sport head shader, removed stage with no image.
- Fixed Hossman, Slammer, Stroggo skin shaders to prevent them being affected by picmip.
- Expanded our in-game Game Settings menu. New options can be found throughout Game Settings Basic and Game Settings Advanced menus, including 'presets' that allow you to quickly choose between global configs or feature sets.
- Expanded color range for railgun (color1 & color2) from 7 colors to 26 color choices.
- Expanded color range for the crosshair (cg_crosshairColor, cg_crosshairHitColor) from 7 colors to 26 color choices.
- Removed cg_weaponColor (replaced by new Force Weapon Color system).
- Removed cg_weaponColorStyle (replaced by new Force Weapon Color system).
- Changed the default value of com_hunkMegs from 56 to 96.
- Changed the default value of cg_autoswitch from 1 to 0. If you wish to use the old default, set 'Switch on Pickup' to 'Yes' in the new in-game Advanced Game Options Menu.
- Changed the default value of cg_lowAmmoWeaponBarWarning from 0 to 2.
- Changed the default value of cg_drawItemPickups from 0 to 3. If you wish to use the old default, set 'Item Pickups' to 'No' in the new in-game Advanced HUD Options Menu.
- Changed the default value of cg_hitBeep from 1 to 2. If you wish to use the old default, set 'Hit Beep Style' to 'Single Pitch' in the new in-game Advanced Sound Options Menu.
- Changed the default value of cg_impactSparks from 0 to 1. If you wish to use the old default, set 'Impact Sparks' to 'No' in the new in-game Advanced Game Options Menu.
- Changed the default value of cg_trueLightning from 0.75 to 1. If you wish to use the old default, set 'Lightning Sway' to 'Low' in the new in-game Advanced Weapons Menu.
- Changed the default value of cg_deadBodyDarken from 0 to 1. If you wish to use the old default, set 'Darken Dead Bodies' to 'No' in the new in-game Advanced Game Options Menu.
- The award 'The Freshman' has been renamed to 'The Face!!!'
Happy birthday Quake Live!
Update: Transparent "speconly" feature added for duel servers on Friday 26th.
Source: News entry,
Change log,
News entry for Friday mini-update
Related Links: ESR Forum topic "new 1 year" map