Event: QL NC'10
Since the finals of IEM World Championship Finals are going to be played this week and many players representing their nation are already in Germany or soon will be, we decided to prolong first stage of the tournament (group stage) for a week, so the players could play their remaining matches. Wildcard was already taken by Netherlands which decided to play their match on another day. Also United Kingdom changed their schedule for another day because of missing two key players deus and ddk.Schedule
28.02.2010 @ 21:00 CET - Iceland -vs- Denmark - Stream: pingaql
28.02.2010 @ 22:00 CET - Serbia -vs- Germany - Streams: pingaql & Level up
28.02.2010 @ 22:00 CET - Italy -vs- Poland - stream: own3d.at
This week we will also announce a little news which should definitely please you.
Links: QLNC'10, Twitter, #quakequickcup
Edited by Badb0y at 13:49 CST, 28 February 2010 - 5081 Hits