Live On Three sees the return of co-host and Team EG manager Scott "SirScoots" Smith from the Canadian olympics, who will talk about his trip and his players performances here this week at the Intel Extreme Masters Season 5 Finals. Quake Live champion Shane "rapha" Hendrixson will be this week's featured guest, going over his road to victory including revenge on American champion Tim "DaHanG" Fogarty, a miraculous comeback against Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevsky, and an epic final with Anton "Cooller" Singov.
Also joining the show today are ESEA News Editor-in-chief Mark "jESUIT" Cheben and World of Ming lead editor Nick "Bodi" Johnson. jESUIT will be talking about the launch of ESEA's new site, and diving into the Counter-Strike 1.6 action which saw the first event major champion for a Ukrainian team with Na'Vi taking out the legendary fnatic in the finals. Bodi will dive into World of Warcraft, where America's Team EG, who picked up a stand-in just days prior to the event and was expected to easily be knocked out in the group stages, clawed their way through the best of America, Europe and Korea to take top honors.
Tune into Live On Three today at 16:00 CDT on
- Lots of talk of the Intel Extreme Masters Season 4 finals including DDoS attacks and scheduling issues, broadcasters Jay "2GD" Harding and Joe Miller's comments about Slasher, and Quake Live players comments before and during the event
- Major League Gaming has announced their first 2010 Pro Circuit details including the removal of Gears of War 2, the addition of Tekken 6, Smash Bros. and Modern Warfare 2, and the noticeable absence of Super Street Fighter 4. We'll also speculate what the PC games and announcement may be, and where you may be able to find out
- Justin Wong won the first Level|Up tournament, still the best player in the United States, is now using cammy a lot
- Another Starcraft 2 patch is out, how the balance of the game is going
Edited by xou at 14:15 CST, 7 March 2010 - 46054 Hits
Yea well this is just why 2good is not so good. Joe on the other hand can be seen obviously avoiding or reluctantly being drawn into really dodgy topics by 2good. 2good may have good insight from a players point of view but that doesn't mean he is the best man for the job, in fact i don't think he has much else going for him. I mean 2good telling Carmac it's ok to swear because it's stream B...! Carmac responding with: ah, erm.....
i think your all taking him too seriously, i personally find him entertaining. if you think he's bad with joe, you should of seen some of the old wow coverage and the co-caster they had then.
For a while I didn't understand why people hate Slasher so much, but now that I see he didn't use proper timezone tags, I totally agree with all negative comments about him.
I was called a cunt, dirty rat, 2GD signed off on the third day with "Fuck you Slasher", among other things during the event. I'll be giving my thoughts regarding everything today.
these words are crucial compliments here in germany. they are only allowed to use at weddings and funerals. so, you're right, but let this influence your argumentation
Slash:I saved your asses on Wednesday,give me some props bitches !
2gd:it was a ddos attack,what could we have done?!
slash:i dont care,i saved your asses anyway
2gd:ok , FU slasher
my feeling on the whole situation ,2gd sure wasnt professional but your not a Saint slasher as well :)
that part is true, but only after their comments first! and to be fair, i -did- do a whole bunch of shit I shouldn't have had to be do the first few days
no no its true,you did good Wednesday,lots of folks appreciate the good work ,as do i ... all i was saying is that your choice of words sometimes don't help :)
well if there wasn't you on wednesday we could have been watching WoW the whole day without even knowing what the fuck was going on with quake.
thanks for getting up in the middle of the night and keep it up man!
2gd is alright but sometimes he's uninteresting, wrong or rather antagonistic. He got it wrong regarding Cooller talking about Rapha being better than him, when Cooller was clearly asked about Zero4. Then he babbles on about Av3k and Cooller as foes and not even shaking hands before the match.
do you have a problem with your eyesight or why do you need constant explanation for what's happening on the screen? thats the absolute worst way to commentate
decisions by players are one of the more interesting things you can't 'see' instantly, I like to gather more from a caster than from the stream itself
yes I am a 2gd fanboi and like to suck his cock
basically what frs and t1e said..thats actually the most interesting thing about 2gd's commentary and what makes him a great QL caster.. because he doesn't babble about that great rocket you just saw on your screen and rather explains why certain situations happend and what will/could/should happen next.. he adds a whole another layer of insight into the stuff the players do
Never said it was bad per se. Yes, indeed it adds great insight to the commentary. All I am saying is that he spends too much time on it, sometimes across several other interesting situations and/or frags which are game changing.
not in any part other then saying "he got the red armor" louder than jay, Joe explains what's going on on the screen, Jay explains what could happen/what they should be doing/what they did and why.
i like how he comment the game, but sometimes is ever too repetitive, he digress from what is happening too much
not always but maybe a 10-15% of times
with all honesty and I never write to esreality (like my 3rd time) I gotta say that 2GOOD was the best shoutcaster I´ve ever heard on Quakelive and what keeps me watching the games they are passing on. His spirit and attitude commenting is just the best.
Of course he could keep some comments for him but I don´t really care since the quality of his shoutcasts are far better than any other shoutcaster there.
Also i truly believe he is one of the reasons most people are watching all Quakelive matches and being motivated with it cause he really does a good job.
Im not a 2GD fanboy, but i thank him for shoutcasting and i hope he doesnt quit since i dont see myself watching streams in future without such good commentary as his. It just motivates ppl to watch and makes sometimes shit games into good games, and thats what the audience wants.
ask rapha if he does visualization techniques and concentration/focus exercises .,.this is standard stuff in professional,basketball you name it,everyone does it
I think he must be doing something like that because his mental toughness is amazing
so i wonder how much work he puts into the mental side of the game,does he perhaps do prayer or ask for guidance that helps him remain calm and at ease,...
lol,i wouldnt be surprised to learn that americans are taking anti-anxiety pills,or whatever is popular in collage at the moment
so many drugs on the market there its scary
whaaaaaa words hurt me. yet again we come back to how we think about words. You control you're own feelings. If you choose to get pissy over what someone else says than go put a tampon in your pussy. You know what you can do, you can laugh at it.
Lemme ask a question who was the first person ever to come up with whats "professional" way to act. god society has created some bitch ass pussies. I knew this would happen as soon as woman got rights and gained power. Men lost their balls and now cry if they are pussy hurt.
ye they complicate each other nicely.
they divided their roles nice, think they say its play by play and analysis.
no offense to the other shoutcasters, they can be interesting when they comment on certain stuff(or doing interviews, telling story's, etc) but there actual knowledge whats going on in the game is very limited.
Yeah man !! 2gd and joe are a good combo ,i really enjoy their shoutcasting.
I find them very funny and insightful.
Think the only reason people wouldn't like them is if they didn't get them
Slasher, when shoutcasting there's a detail that imo you should work on: you tend to say "he does have" instead of "he has"... And this applies to every verb you use. "He does [verb]" should be used for emphasis, from time to time, for example when the action was unlikely, but not all the time. When player X grabs 25 health, you'll automatically say "Player X does pick up some health", instead of "Player X picks up some health" or "Player X is picking up some health"... I can understand using it if an item is disputed and Player X was not likely to get it, such as "Player X does pick up the megahealth despite Player Y's rocket spam", but otherwise it gets pretty annoying since you use it all the time. My two cents, maybe I'm the only one bothered by this but at times it was really annoying to me :p
agree with Naghokez, having graduated with many TV/R journalism majors...using "does" almost implies some preceding doubt about whether IN FACT he really has the red armor...and notice the "IN FACT" works almost like "does" or "actually" -- adverbs/intensifiers just weaken the verb and clutter the delivery.
General rule for fast-paced action reporting: describe in the most concise, terse, clipped fashion possible, which reflects the KIND of action happening, e.g., poker tournament commentators talk A LOT because hands develop slowly, whereas tennis commentating runs sparse during points, with minimal descriptions during ball breaks.
Edited by evilbollweevil at 19:57 CST, 7 March 2010
generally agree except for Bob Costas who's incredibly deft and intelligent...almost overly so, but just almost. Can call upon what the French call the "bon mot" at will.
just been wondering, how did slasher "save the day" exactly? the way i remember it i was watching the stream with that german guy and then this annoying fucking voice comes on and actually RUINED the stream for me so i had to watch without sound.
Joe has been commentating since the painkiller days. I still remember what a travesty it was to listen to Gabriel David aka Warwitch. Everytime Joe said something, I was like "Thank god, we have Joe!"
People can complain about how 2GD crosses the line but I think he just jests and while carmac was too busy preserving his voice for later, 2GD was the one carrying things on. I do think he's hyperactive but it helps in the worst situations.
I remember slasher calling carmac a douche on a live stream in a not so polite tone. Even though I'm sure he was kidding and carmac would've taken it sportingly, we're just blowing it all out of proportions. If you want professionals, go hire newsreaders ffs!
2GD should concentrate on interesting things like omg nice shaft, did you see that rocket, he just picked up a red armor and that can only mean one thing, he just got 100 armor points more. Of course he should comment on every weapon, health and ammo pickup as well.
God forbid telling us what the players were thinking when making there decisions, i mean who does the guy think he is, some kind of duel hot shot? Better not get me started on the jokes, i like my commentary served like a dry martini.
FUCK YOU James "2GD" Harding, how dare you commenting games instead of the usual top notch german casters!!!!!!
I tried listening to when slasher came in to "help" but the amount of "fucks" I heard within 5 mins really put me off and made me watch the CS group games. :'(
O btw Slasher you were abit of an asshole against the german guy hosting the stream. Not very nice.
I liked that german caster- arkarius I think it is, but I'm not sure.
Of course I liked slasher too. The f-bombs just made me chuckle. I kept imagining how cool it would be to hear commentary like that for sports. Sportscasters are always real composed and everything, but you know if they're watching something at home they're letting it fly.
Some people don't care for the language and that's fine, but hearing someone cast the way that they would be talking about it if they were just watching it makes it more fun to me. Personally, I wouldn't want the casting TOO professional. You'd never hear someone on TV say "holy shit, did you see that? That was f-ing awesome!"
Totally agree. It's not that restricted in Germany watching sport commentaries. We can swear on television. But they still are more composed than they would be at home. Everyone watching a sport he likes should just say his thoughts out loud and it would be ZOMFGHOLYFUCKWHATDIDJUSTHAPPENGODFUCKINDAMN.
then he could go on ventrilo with some friends and say whatever he wants to
if you comment a game when thousands of people are watching, imho, you should moderate yourself
like carmac that must say that everything was great, when maybe he's the first to be pissed off for how ql has been treated
and 2gd aswell, you could clearly hear him on wow stream saying I want to see quake live, and the other commentator: "me too" rofl
are there any plans to make another coverage this year for evo and devastation? that was an amazing memory and i'm really looking forward to this summer.
I agree on your last point - today I see more useless complaining about nonsense, which lead me to my (of course exaggerated) comment. I think those people who work hard to bring us entertaining coverage/and events should deserve a little more appreciation.
Out of the bunch I've heard last week djWHEAT is the one with a style interesting enough for me to enjoy an e-sports cast...for what it's worth. But it is clear that a sportscaster must be in control of his speech and not use gaming terminology sloppily. Even though he apparently did not know the word "disenchanted" (which is a shame; I am German and I know it), in terms of use of idioms that convey meaning directly and controlled use of speech, he is so far ahead of the slashers, 2goods etc. that it's not really a surprise that he seems to be the only one who has managed to have a weekly show.
In general calling someone a cunt or saying "Fuck you, ..." in a broadcast does not serve a purpose. and it does not help to promote the games. If you want to call it a joke, fine, but if it was a joke can only be up do the person who was at the receiving end of it.
LOL: About the guy who wanted to challenge wheat in WOW...sorry, but wow to you. how could you not realize that it's that kind of inbred nerdism that have made WOW enthusiasts the victim of an avalange of jokes in the past. Of course,liking WOW is not the joke - it's just as good as being a fan of QL or any other game - it's the overboarding seriousness of some gamers that is funny. The fact you mentioned the account of your fiancee was particularly clumsy as it insinuated that male gamers can only date other female gamers. I don't think you need anyone to tell you what will be the next "logical" step about your fiancee in many peoples's heads.
Ah, yeah..din't expect it. Was really unprofessional, when 2gd called Slasher a cunt, especially before the final when most ppl were watching. (iirc)