Event: ENC'10

Schedule: Passed
This coming weekend, the first offline event of the ASUS European Nations Championship 2010 will take place in

For that offline event, 3 show matches with team

08:30 CDT -ASUS will also organize a free gaming area where spectators can come and try some new games (Battlefield Bad Company 2, Metro 2033 and Dawn Of War II Chaos Rising) on their fancy computers and win some raffles.![]()
France vs Austria
10:30 CDT -![]()
France A vs France B
13:45 CDT -![]()
France vs Belgium
Update: The VOD of the QL game is now available.
Links: ENC Poitiers, ASUS ENC 2010, Gamer Assembly, ESL TV, Demos
Stream: Free / Premium / linux: -url:ESL.oph350 (Octoshape)
Edited by xou at 10:18 CDT, 8 April 2010 - 23459 Hits
Will rule the Event :-)