

ESWC Qualifiers for

Counter Strike 1.6 finished last weekend with

H2k winning the ticket to Paris. H2k will be joined by

SK Gaming and

fnatic who received direct invites by the ESWC.
Details for

Quake Live,

Street Fighter 4 and

Guitar Hero 5 has now been released. As previously stated the qualifiers will be held June 5th at Game City in Jönköping. Registrations for Quake Live is now open.
16 players
Groups -> Single Elimination
Winner represents Sweden in ESWC grand finals in Paris
Street Fighter 4
XBOX 360
16 Players
Winner represents Sweden in ESWC grand finals in Paris
Guitar Hero
XBOX 360
16 Players
Winner represents Sweden in ESWC grand finals in Paris
The prize for registration is 250 SEK. (300 SEK after May 9th) This includes registration fee, lodging and free entrance to the night club "8 glas" the same night.
Send an email to quake -at- eswcsweden -dot- se. Make sure to enter the following information.
Birth date (YYMMDD)
Email address
Cellphone number.
Instructions on how to pay the registration fee will be send by mail