Event: ESWC'10

Quake fans may be particularly interested that, among others, four well-known Quake Live players were invited, as well. The list consists of:
Shane "rapha" Hendrixson (Master of Greece winner)
Sebastian "Spart1e" Siira (Master of Greece runner-up)
Maciej "av3k" Krzykowski (Master of Greece 3rd place finisher)
Alexei "Cypher" Yanushevsky (ESWC 2008 Defending Champion)
It is worth adding that all of the players listed above accepted their invitations, which means that we will most definitely see at least two Swedish, American, and Polish participants at the ESWC Finals - one from the qualifier and the other one invited directly to the event.
Link: Announcement
Edited by xou at 13:40 CDT, 23 April 2010 - 19008 Hits