Schedule: Passed
Update: The cup is over and although it was cup with a even less registrations then last time and with a lot of no-shows, it still managed to be nice for anyone who was spectating the matches (although there were some technical problems as well concerning stream) and probably for the players themselves.
Nevertheless, cherubim took the best of last event`s runner-ups METSU, leaving them in second spot this time as well, but with an awesome game on their hands. Third place goes to 4k who lost by METSU in semi-finals.
Final rankings:



Closing item
Yet another Quake Live 2v2 one-day cup is coming next Wednesday 12:00 CDT, 5 May 2010 at Esports Heaven. Format of the cup is 16-slot Single elimination Bo3. The schedule is pretty tight so all teams should follow it with the least of delays.
For members unfamiliar with the ESH page: player account, clan and team/squad under the clan should be created to be able to join the cup.
More info at the Cup page.
Demos: METSU-4k semifinals, cherubim-METSU finals, cherubim-METSU finals zyv`s POV !
Links: Cup page,

Edited by PerpetualWar at 18:03 CDT, 5 May 2010 - 7639 Hits