Event: CB NC13

Schedule: Passed
Update: Match is over and teams and results are published with demos and vods released as well, so make sure to watch this awesome game !
Clanbase CTF NationsCup has ended with the final rankings:
Since the cup went smooth and with a lot of interest from the community, we were thinking about finishing this awesome season with an all-star match. The idea is to present best nations from this season (as you can see above), with their first teams (where it was possible) and to let all of you guys vote for 2 players from each nation. That would give us 8 players to be chosen ones for this match. After that two captains are selected between players ( with admin help if needed) and they pick-up rest of the 6 players from the list. That should give us best of the best from this NC CTF cup.
CTF All-star match is scheduled for 14:00 CDT, 16 May 2010 and voting period is closing 14:00 CDT, 9 May 2010. Coverage will be done by holysh1t.tv as usual. For nominated players see the link below.
Reference: Clanbase NC CTF cup page
Edited by xou at 12:58 CDT, 17 May 2010 - 54979 Hits
#2 cooller