ESWC Sweden has just released two more spots for the grand finals in Paris. With

Spart1e already invited Sweden will have a maximum of
four players fighting for the gold at Disneyland. The winner will get his flight, licence and hotel payed, where the runner up and second runner up has to finance travel and hotel by himself.

Licence, flight, hotel for the grand finals in Paris.

Licence for the grand finals in Paris.

Licence for the grand finals in Paris.
The prize for registration is 250 SEK. (300 SEK after May 9th) This includes registration fee, lodging and free entrance to the night club "8 glas" the same night.
Send an email to quake -at- eswcsweden -dot- se. Make sure to enter the following information.
Birth date (YYMMDD)
Email address
Cellphone number.