Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
Video-games are better, in that they do change, because life changes. Soccer won't exist millions of years from now, but some form of gaming almost certainly will. Playing games is healthy. It provides exercise, it teaches lessons, and it is fun. To exist in a static-environment is simply unrealistic. There is no future for something so 'conservative'.
I'd have to surmise, it is the insecurity of video-game players which leads them to copy what is perceived as the success of other types of sports. Video-game players are often degraded as nerds or whatever, and maybe the players, in their Christian ancestries, are converted by such hell-stimulation. Look at Korea, video-games are huge there, because they are not descended from religious-culture. I'd have to think video-games would also be big in N. Korea and China, if the two would merely open their societies to this kind of technology. I also am descended from far less religious-culture, and therefore I don't give a flying fuck about what stupid ideas a bunch of assholes have, especially because I know just how pathetic those people are. They prefer two star-movies to masterpieces, they like low-quality porn, they are all Christian-like, in their superficiality... you'd think they are all clones, and without question, they are all mediocre.
People trying to force their values on others... that is the nature of Christians, even those who regard themselves as atheists. And what is that, that they are actually doing? They are attempting to convert. That is religion, to convert non-believers or believers of other faiths. But video-game players should be smarter than that. They should not let conventional sports change their ways. Video-games are ever-changing, ever-evolving, and there is no reason for that to stop. People who watch conventional sports, they love to see new things. A new player comes along, and has some new technique... in video-games, not only do new players come along, with new techniques, but there are also new games, with new elements.
It is true, at first, people are embarrassed to admit they like video-games, because video-games, especially pro-gaming, is socially-unacceptable. But in time, it becomes socially-acceptable, and then all those dumb mother-fuckers who were too chicken-shit to admit they like video-games, will suddenly, with exuberance, claim to love what yesterday they were too cool to even like. For the 'non-nerds', social-acceptance is of tragic importance. The fact is though, video-games will never be socially-accepted merely by attempting to mimic what is socially-accepted. Video-games need to simply be themselves, and let the dumb-fucks be their stupid-selves. In time, they will come around. At first, they'll watch pro-gaming secretly, when no one else is around... like closeted-homosexuals. And also, like closeted-homosexuals, eventually, they will admit the truth. In the mean-time, video-games should just keep doing what they do, and being what they are, and never make any attempt to placate anyone.
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