Event: ENC'10
The first games from Group B of the ASUS ENC 2010 Quakelive TDM will be played tonight. The ESL TV Quakelive show with 2GD and Joe will be covering one of them: Poland vs Russian Federation. And for the other matches, you can find the details below:14:00 CST - Poland vs Russian Federation (Details + demos / Bet / VOD)
14:00 CST - Finland vs Hungary (Details + demos / Bet) - Stream: adivinestv ()
[wildcard] - United Kingdom vs Denmark (Details)
Links: Announcement, ASUS ENC 2010 Quakelive TDM
ESL TV: Free / Premium / linux: -url:ESL.oph350 (Octoshape)
Edited by xou at 19:36 CDT, 5 May 2010 - 44156 Hits