Johnathan 'Fatal1ty' Wendel has been featured in an article over at regarding perfect practice. Fatal1ty has always been an ambassador of practicing and putting a lot of time into your game to reach the top, and in this feature he discusses his in-depths views on this matter.
You have spoken on the topic of ‘perfect practice’ many times in the past. What to you is ‘perfect practice’?
Perfect practice to me is, playing with a bunch of great guys who all have different skill sets. Making sure I learn how to play against an offensive, defensive, elusive, tactical and crazy player. So I get to see all faces of the opponent. This will train me how to beat every type of player imaginable. After getting all the killer training, I just really enjoy hanging with the guys. So definitely finding cool people to train with is a definite plus. I want to make my training as enjoyable as possible.
The full interview can be found on