download the freebie pack of paintshop/photoshop plugins :
select a big square on a hubble photo
use make cube tile, and use the same image for all images,
so are butt holes who work at id, its not q3 and a whole new renderer, its wow q4 with some bump mapping and a few 1000 extra polys and 1 shit sdk .dll that no1 plays because its slow and full of bugs
make idTech4 texture _h heightmaps using irfan views relief effect
convert to grayscale
add effect
increase color depth back to 16m to work in game as a tga
I miss vCOD and COD2 so much. COD4 was such shit, I never thought it would be good, but I guess when you make a game as bad as MW2, COD4 suddenly looks amazing in contrast.
just not raven. q4 is bollox, i dont even know if wolfenstein got released, it an already forgotten game, they should stick to kid cartoon console games
thats right, like all id games, raven did no code, just some multiple clip worlds whatever it does and maybe the powerups and weapons, withoout those. q4 is just an SDK you get with the engine and licence
q4 needs militia, the game is dead for a reason, militia is a mass recode of the SDK, where everything is faster, and dedicated servers have alot less work to do, not as is, with vehicles and flashlights and voice taunts all enabled and max number of players, thers no message overflow, because only a few events have been added
the only thing that been added thats crude and dirty are vehicles respawns
yall should quit crying, its not c++ or really any code, someone who can make a php webpage can mode the SDK of id,
this could be jamerio when he totally loses it. after he catches a breath from randomly slaming the keyboard he logs in back to his old sheep loving self.
id modding world has been full of suck asses for too long, doing the code for all that militia has is`nt that hard, most of the fixes are random bugs and game crashes,
no1 posts nothing, it takes longer to find them, it probaly why everyone still mods UT and source
in militia 1.1.15 beta 5 : random client game crash on map restarts, open up the log and it will always be :
perfection, you want another beta 5 with random crash fixed, mp 100% nonstop ass kicking plAYable using random maps or mapCycle.scriptcfg or just the same map over and over
cod1 those were the days. that game was fun and the community was gettin bigger everyday. you could always find some players from top clans playing publics...