when i get mad while playing quake i get mad at myself, the map, or whatever, but why do people always flame their opponent, just stupid.... and internet or not, it tells you something about the personality of the player
immaturity in the heat of battle maybe but how do you know they are not the most mature and respectful people outside of that situation?
A lot of times i flame the other people in the heat of battle deflecting the blame from myself. As soon as I calm down though I can see that I only have myself to blame for losing.
in any case the score was 13-5 how the fuck is that luck, I flamed some guy for winning like 6-5 and a thru rail up a jpad with 10 seconds and I called him a lucky newb. but 13-5!?!?
A lot of times i flame the other people in the heat of battle deflecting the blame from myself.
so did everyone else when they were kids. hello immaturity... ;)
but its not just that, even if its in the heat of the battle it, shows a lack of respect to the other person that should always be there
Really depends. The other night I played a duel against some guy who +backed the whole time and warped. Got so annoying that even though I was in the lead I rocket jumped around and fell into the lava killing myself a few times (for teh lulz) It ended up going to overtime so I just typed "cba gg" and disconnected.
Gaming is weird. Common courtesy just seems to be how it is. We say gg (that is... GOOD GAME) even when it's not a good game. Infact, it can be a horrible game and you'll still gg. It's almost like a handshake. Managers and players do it on the football field (well, unless you're French ;]) and we gg.
QuakeLive is just victim to the XboxLive generation. Kids who say "LOLFAG" and go off on one if they don't get their way. Some of it's fair enough (IE, when it's 5v2 on CTF or something so you just say something like "teams?" or if some guy pulls a dick move, jumps on on a free quad with 42 health and MG when you're stacked so the line "... retarded." comes out :P) but the majority is just prats raging because they're bark is louder then their bite.
In the case of the picture in the first post, that's just nerd-rage. Sometimes you'll get people saying stuff like "die in a fire", "jewish." or whatever as a joke (really depends where you're from or who you're playing against) but that comment is just lulz.
aye, part of the problem obviously is being anonymous behind your computer that makes you act that way. i don't mean the whiners are all fat nerd fags or so but you just can't afford to act that shitty with people watching you and judging your real life persona by these actions. on the internet one couldn't care less, it's a parallel universum so to say.
i speak for myself of course but that's how i see it. i'm neither fat, insecure or immature in real life, i just hate to lose. when online and i lose while thinking i should have won or becasue i couldn't play like i should i get angry and whine/insult quite some. in real life on the other hand you just gotta swallow that.
well if the only thing in rl that keeps you from insulting people is that you face consequences, then there is something wrong with you. respecting other people should be part of your core values and that should be the reason why you dont do it. (together with the fact that it doesnt make any sense at all anyway)
Ive come up to the conclusion that irl everyone was nice and respectful and they most likely seemed like beeing honestly respectful.
But when in game, they all (well almost) whine or flame the other player at some point. It's just how it is, and I dont think there's anything wrong about it as long as it doesnt exceed some limits.
I'd say it's a part of the game and it only shows that you're mad at what you're doing and you just flame the other player for taking advantage of a stupid mistake you've made. That's atleast how it felt mostly.
Now I think what supremej did isn't right but then again it's a screenshot taken out of a whole context which none here knows about and it might just have been that this guy was flaming supremej all along the game...
well i was talking a bit more general here cause the whole "its okay to be an ass cause we are on the internetz" is annoying me more and more.
cause i feel that the anonymity shows us how people act when they are free to do what they want, it shows how people really are. and i dont think its okay to act like an ass just because there wont be any real consequences
anyway quake can get almost everyone raged and i am not saying that someone is a bad person because he rages, i am not even saying that one is a bad person for flaming your opponent, but it still shows some (maybe little) aspect of his personality
He didn't flame me during the game... I was just pissed off and started to type random stuff.
I knew I was wrong after typing that, and I never meant what I said to him. I'm really trying to change my behavior towards other people in-game... I'm a nice guy offline... honestly ;)
Anyway would like to apologize for my behavior considering it was really immature of myself reacting like that.
you can't act mature when you play ql. It's impossible to not rage or flame your opponent. If you don't do that, then you need to consult a psychiatrist.
OH U GET RESPECT FROM OTHER LIKE MINDED INDIVIDUALS ON THE NET? why do we want respect? cos you don't get it in real life? just some thoughts not really aimed at anyone
OOO TURN PRO AND EARN MONETY FROM GAMES. A PISS POOR 14k pounds a year if you are even lucky and how much of an education do u need to sacrifice to achieve this level of greatness?
I get mad at the game and how shit it is and then I just type "fucking retarded piece of shit" to relieve myself. Don't know why people take it personally.
I was on the server because I thought burnedd had to play, considering I normally watch his games in ZOTAC/GDATA... Apparently he asked me to leave several times which I was never aware of because I was in Windows....
He said "die of aids sad lucky nerd"
Thing is.. I wouldn't be so lucky if I cought aids from raping someone through a game?
In my head that's the most unlucky thing I could think of? I don't want to play Quake Live with a condom..
supremej is pretty shit thought, i've played him befor eand heard his rage. Total newb child.. keep gaming m8! you'll be as good as burneddd soon and stop whining like he did...
rofl he did the same to me, joined rushed for 3 mins, destroyed him and he says my playstyle is boring???? hes also constantly spamming IRC in all the tourney channels, whenever one of hes little serious gaming pals loses a game in any online cup or whatever, hes the first to point out that it wouldn't happen on LAN or that luck or ping played a part, he must've done it like 50 times and i barely watch any of the zotacs/gdatas.
HELL YEAH, this guy is really known for this. I have played him like 30 times won like 29 times and everytime he loses, its LUCCCK, +BACK whine going on..
geez, get a life and grow up, DICK.
on raging: I do it even myself, but usually i just want to rage so that opponent will feel like defeated though winning me...
is there really a better feeling than feeling superior to others? I doubt so...