Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
Beyond the personal problems though, sports are incredibly conservative. When I say conservative, I mean it in the true sense: sports are aristocratic and authoritative. In sports, exploitation is often the most rewarding thing, and teamwork the least. In other words, selfishness is rewarded and selflessness punished. How can one selflessly give their opponents wins or points, when their careers, the respect of their peers, and their emotional state of being (however temporarily it may last), is so dependent on defeating their opponents? Winning (power), is an addiction. The more you win, the more you need to win and the more tragic losing becomes. Like a heroin-junkie, you rob the elderly, just to win another game.
Sports are the endless conflict you might think Orwell was covering in his famous book 1984. And why exactly do people enjoy sports, or play them? Is it a natural-urge, dating back to the beginning of time? Part of natural-selection? We instinctively compete, because it was once necessary? It brings us back to a time when we were animals, not living in civilization... competing with every squirrel and sparrow we came across?
Whatever the case, I wonder how many people prefer consoles because they are afraid to learn how to use a mouse and keyboard? I remember when I first started playing computer FPS's, I refused to learn how to use the mouse and keyboard. I used a joystick instead. The only reason I switched, is because my joystick broke, I was too impatient to wait for a replacement, and then when my replacement came, it broke after only a week. In between the two joysticks, I got comfortable enough on the keyboard and mouse that buying another joystick was not worth it. Being that i'm talking about me, not some random, casual console player, it says a lot about the state of mind people have, when considering whether to play a computer FPS (or even to simply use a mouse and keyboard on a console), or to stick with what they're used to, what is comfortable enough for them, and, most importantly, what does not require any additional learning.
1991 Hits
now I am thinking to buy a ps2 controller + the adapter, to play some pc games with the ps2 controller, to increase the difficulty -most 3d shooters are utterly easy/retard these days