Was a thread like this a while back for the ESL and I thought it was quite interesting so would do something similar. I can't find the original one so I'll make it up as I go along :D

So taking it from seeds in group orders as a summary for Jun. 23 2010 - Jun. 29 2010 [obviously there will probably be more games to go in the next 2 days]

United States of America Rapha - 125 games, 83 wins, 19 hours played
Russia Cooller - 236 games, 156 wins, 2 days played
Belarus Cypher - 155 games, 100 wins, 23 hours played
Poland Avek - 160 games, 90 wins, 2 days played

Austria Noctis - 106 games, 67 wins, 15 hours played
France Strenx - 128 games, 63 wins, 19 hours played
Italy Stermy - 115 games, 52 wins, 18 hours played
United States of America DaHang - 157 games, 135 wins, 21 hours played

Germany K1llsen - 55 games, 32 wins, 7 hours played
Poland Bodzo - Unknown account. 0 games
United Kingdom GaRpY - 11 games, 8 wins, 2 hours played
Sweden Fazz - 82 games, 44 wins, 13 hours played

Slovenia Careem - 8 games, 5 wins, 2 hours played
Spain Sl1p - 47 games, 30 wins, 8 hours played
France L1nkje - 78 games, 29 wins, 14 hours played
Belgium Dem0n - 9 games, 7 wins, 2 hours played

Interesting little fact - all of the arguably 'top seed' challengers have 100 games shown. DaHang has the most won among them (played mainly against members of the US scene) with Stermy having the least wins

As for competitors, here's how it stands:
United States of America Rapha - av3k, cooller, fazz, cypher, evil, stermy
Russia Cooller - guard, l1nkje, av3k, rapha, stermy, strenx, agent
Belarus Cypher - shrek_ua, kaide, k1llsen, shantii, l1nkje, rapha, stermy, valvais, av3k, monstr_, skzis7ry, winz, bth, noctis
Poland Avek - shrek_ua, rapha, k1llsen, sl1p, l1nkje, cooller, sadfac3, cny, shantiii, baksteen, guard, cypher, monstr_, skzis7ry

Austria Noctis - strenx, krysa, labur, riderrrrrrrr, kypse, _unsteady, _fsm, w1ngnut, fa1nt, ppalvdis, assign, spart1e, l1nkje, cruel, airflair, cypher, stermy, cooller
lightninggun Strenx - fazz, noctis, stermy, guard, cooller, agent, cypher, av3k, danv3r, exelf
Italy Stermy - k1llsen, strenx, cooller, cypher, skipper_zxs, rajwal, qrt, various CA
United States of America DaHang - dkt, cha0ticz, tehnewbz, hpbkmrey, vamp1re, erickek

Germany K1llsen - avek, stermy, cypher, fall_frag, fl1nstone, 1fallash, rapha, mutz, mrundhill, various CA
United Kingdom GaRpY - drugzor, dbsquared, tiestos, agent, redbulldozer, [nVc], havvk, dignitas_r2k, zik, sadfac3, various CA
Sweden Fazz - strenx, sadfac3, rapha, stermy, reaper, spartaz0rd, greenmeanie, cypher, jum8o, stylezz, bodzo, vhite, fooki, dk, krysa, zyv, spart1e, av3k

Slovenia Careem - various CA
Spain Sl1p - supqinox, insan3, ryfie, p0ni, av3k, spartaz0rd, cooller, reaper, madix, sombra, eyecry
France L1nkje - cooller, av3k, cypher, various TDM/CTF/CA
Belgium Dem0n - vurteh, randallflagg, rimgal, alfaomega, strenx, cicc1, smaugy, guard, spart1e, fox, noctis, madix, various CA

For top 4 seeds [so far], most played and least played maps:

United States of America Rapha -
Most Played - ZTN [32]
Least Played - T7 [16] or T4 [1 - against Cypher, loss]

Russia Cooller -
Most Played - ZTN [123]
Least Played - T7 [16]

Belarus Cypher -
Most Played - T7 [34]
Least Played - ZTN [16]

Poland Avek
Most Played - DM6 [43]
Least Played DM13 [12] or T2 [in a match against a random guy for 35 seconds - he won]

Not entirely sure how the last thread went about dong it (whether it was automated or actually counted) so If anyone can help with most played/least played maps that'd be great. Not sure how to do that for the past week without actually counting them up (effort) so if whoever made the last thread (I can't remember who) can clarify that'd be great. Also, with weapon frags being introduced to matches, that might be shown as well (worth a shot)