Tonight we have the first in a new series of StarCraft II cups here on the ESL. Some of you may remember the "King of" series of cups held in Warcraft 3 in which every week a map was picked to play on for the whole cup. We are kicking off the first cup in the return of the beta on the all time classic - Lost Temple.
King of Lost Temple

Begin: Mon, 12.07.10 20:00 CEST
Meeting place: #esl.sc2 on Quakenet IRC - web chat is available on the cup page!
Structure: 64 or 128 player, Single Elimination
Replays: Replays must be uploaded to the match page (not zipped) immediately after the match. You'll gain penalty point for missing replays starting at the quarter finals!
Coverage: All coverage is allowed! Please send us your streams to: so we can link them here.
Map pool: Lost Temple

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