Name: k
Location: Maastricht
Posts: 204
Location: Maastricht
Posts: 204
Let's face it, Quake Live from a business perspective has no future. I mean where is the incentive for a new player to join Quake Live nowadays? Imagine you were a 13 years old teenager, would you play Quake? Quite frankly I would not. The community is small, the game looks cheap, the features are limited in all respects, and foremost: the game is way to difficult for a beginner.
All these factors have consequences on several levels:
- The community will grow too little (if it does at all in the long-term)
- Revenues from players will be most likely insignificant for ID as the community size will remain small or even will decrease plus the fact that only a really limited amount of players will be willing to pay for Quake Live anyways
(I personally think even if some of you would agree to pay for Quake Live during the next three years, these revenues would never offset all the costs to maintain Quake Live on such a level that the majority of players will be ever satisfied)
- So if user fees won't be sufficient the remaining revenue source are ads, but why would any company want to pay a considerable amount of money to ID to use their platform as a marketing channel?
- Even if some companies would do so, I can't imagin ID to be in a bargaining position that allows them to request a premium price for their platform
So in summary, if I were you and if I would still play this game, I would be really happy that there is still a community left that offers sufficient possibilities and variation to enjoy the game.
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