ive been trying to make my crosshair look like this one: http://i30.tinypic.com/1sxk3k.jpg
i think i got the right menu file for it, but i cant get it to work. can't tell cuz im pretty clueless when it comes to quake commands and such =) i have tried other crosshairs and for most part they work just fine, but i cant get this one right
anyway, if someone could tell me what ive been doing wrong, or if something is actaully wrong with the .menu file, rewrite it, i would be very thankful :-D
the .menu file ive been trying to use is atteched to the thread!
i think i got the right menu file for it, but i cant get it to work. can't tell cuz im pretty clueless when it comes to quake commands and such =) i have tried other crosshairs and for most part they work just fine, but i cant get this one right
anyway, if someone could tell me what ive been doing wrong, or if something is actaully wrong with the .menu file, rewrite it, i would be very thankful :-D
the .menu file ive been trying to use is atteched to the thread!
- Attached Misc File: 76768-link1n-dubai.menu (27 Jul 2010, 1KB, 97 downloads)
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