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Posts: 3462
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Level:  Regular
Registered:  15 Nov 2001
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  daryl
Age:  38
Location:  Cleveland, TN
iM Replies:  Y
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Country:  United States of America
Avatar:  Default
Homepage:  www•feelosophical•com
Config:  Available (221 dls)
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Judgements:  44 made, 963 received
Bets Placed:  107 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
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Buddied by:  17 users
Last Login:  12 Jan 2019
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Re: Who will stop Team Liquid from winni
Posted @ 03:59 GMT 11 Aug 2018
Same. I tried that game once and uninstalled it months ago. It makes me sick to
Re: Duel should be reworked, like this:
Posted @ 03:55 GMT 11 Aug 2018
Yeah, really. What is this autistic "champions" shit? This is an abomination. Di
Re: Net Neutrality is a cancer
Posted @ 20:21 GMT 29 Nov 2017
Wow, pack it up guys. Lacceh has solved it. There is literally no legitimate
Re: What book(s) are you reading right n
Posted @ 01:25 GMT 25 Apr 2017
there are a bunch I'm "reading" but these are the ones that stick out: Democr
Re: What book(s) are you reading right n
Posted @ 01:20 GMT 25 Apr 2017
your books need more extreme vetting.
Re: What book(s) are you reading right n
Posted @ 01:20 GMT 25 Apr 2017
solution: continue writing until infinity
Re: Fallout 4: My Biased Impressions
Posted @ 01:13 GMT 25 Apr 2017
you said appreciably twice
Re: I now have 16GB of RAM
Posted @ 10:21 GMT 9 Apr 2017
Welcome to 2005.
Re: Willits on QC custom servers, team p
Posted @ 20:36 GMT 8 Apr 2017
[b]yeah but he's using the [i][url=
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:52 GMT 21 Jan 2017
God. it's been months since I've visited ESReality. now my yearly quota of Europ
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:49 GMT 21 Jan 2017
[q]Why are people so scared of Trump?[/q] the government, the crony capitalis
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:45 GMT 21 Jan 2017
why should anyone necessarily have an opinion about arbitrary things like narrow
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:44 GMT 21 Jan 2017
what makes you think they're lazy or that they "can't be arsed?" or that they're
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:41 GMT 21 Jan 2017
hahahahahaha. I already knew you were a complete welfare, entitled, liberal-cuck
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:40 GMT 21 Jan 2017
lol. are you triggered? crawl back to huffpo, cuck.
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:39 GMT 21 Jan 2017
Murphy is my main nigga.
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:37 GMT 21 Jan 2017
he lives in Estonia. he probably does have millions. in worthless Euros, or what
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:36 GMT 21 Jan 2017
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:35 GMT 21 Jan 2017
no, he absolutely has consistency. the consistency of a bowl of pure, putrid tur
Re: Donald "Trump" Trump wins Elections
Posted @ 18:34 GMT 21 Jan 2017
Estonia. lol, the irony.
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