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Jonesy Inc.
Jonesy Inc.
Posts: 131
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  8 Sep 2003
Email:  Undisclosed
Full Name:  Jonesy Williams
Age:  123
iM Replies:  N
Timezone:  America/Los_Angeles
Country:  United States of America
Avatar:  Default
Config:  None uploaded
Drafts:  0
Judgements:  109 made, 128 received
Bets Placed:  62 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  5876
Buddied by:  1 user
Last Login:  25 Apr 2014
Theme:  Custom theme

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Re: d1ablo -vs- jun
Posted @ 18:02 GMT 8 Jun 2006
I'm better than the people in this demo. I'm better because when someone asks, "
Re: gaysnakes -vs- deja vu
Posted @ 14:22 GMT 1 Jun 2006
Can you guys believe all these normal people ads? Makes me think there are norma
Re: Pickup CTF
Posted @ 22:18 GMT 31 May 2006
It'd be cool if there was a stats system in place to keep track of cap times. Th
Re: gaysnakes -vs- deja vu
Posted @ 21:28 GMT 31 May 2006
It's rumored they'll name it 'Brokeback Mountain 2: Snake Menage A Trois', but I
Re: gaysnakes -vs- deja vu
Posted @ 16:33 GMT 31 May 2006
I'm looking forward to 'Brokeback Mountain 2: Snakes in Love'.
Re: Pickup CTF
Posted @ 19:16 GMT 30 May 2006
Very cool. Thanks. With warsow focusing on movement, this type of gameplay is
Re: naymlis -vs- pin
Posted @ 19:44 GMT 29 May 2006
I've come to learn feelings are the most important thing. They should be placed
Re: zoom -vs- dziku
Posted @ 07:56 GMT 26 May 2006
Changing the visual parts around produces interesting results. For example, what
Re: fazz -vs- forever
Posted @ 00:41 GMT 6 May 2006
Pyramids work by making the bottom big and the top small. Every real gamer knows
Re: sk.toxic -vs- Noble
Posted @ 14:11 GMT 3 May 2006
Let me give the readers of the 'complete control' strategy. It wor
Re: Apheleon -vs- Niufel
Posted @ 09:48 GMT 25 Apr 2006
How about, to improve weapon combos, you make it so rails and rockets have no fi
Re: rat -vs- oblivion
Posted @ 23:36 GMT 21 Apr 2006
You could even include the webpage in the game itself. Like, in the menu, next t
Re: rat -vs- oblivion
Posted @ 22:24 GMT 21 Apr 2006
Wasn't there like a stand-alone version of q3? It's small and compact? Easy and
Re: Dignitas -vs- Deluxe
Posted @ 20:51 GMT 21 Apr 2006
Compared to qw or cpma, current q4 is pretty bad. The GTR changes are an improve
Re: rat -vs- oblivion
Posted @ 01:16 GMT 21 Apr 2006
You could also use the MVD small screen thing for GTV ads. All you have to do is
Re: rat -vs- oblivion
Posted @ 02:52 GMT 19 Apr 2006
The MVD thing could be used for educational purposes. For example, to make a str
Re: rat -vs- oblivion
Posted @ 21:22 GMT 18 Apr 2006
MVD's are cool and all, but they don't really seem to help. It's like they give
Re: cooller -vs- toxic
Posted @ 14:01 GMT 22 Mar 2006
If you were a 'casual observer', do you think you could fully understand and app
Re: Dav -vs- trick
Posted @ 18:37 GMT 20 Mar 2006
Your comment leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Re: SK|fooKi -vs- Various
Posted @ 14:47 GMT 18 Mar 2006
Everyone knows gameplay > graphics. But that doesn't mean graphics are meaningle
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