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G.I. Jonesy
G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Popularity: Nobody (0%)
Level:  Regular
Registered:  15 Feb 2005
Email:  Undisclosed
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Age:  124
iM Replies:  N
Timezone:  America/Los_Angeles
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Avatar:  Default
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Drafts:  0
Judgements:  71 made, 772 received
Bets Placed:  133 (Rank: 266)
E$ Money:  500 (500 available)
E$ Savings:  3876
Buddied by:  8 users
Last Login:  27 Feb 2014
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A Solution for Quake
Posted @ 17:03 GMT 27 Feb 2014
ESR is the main problem with Quake. It's ancient, it never receives major update
Marijuana Studies
Posted @ 17:04 GMT 25 Feb 2014
One thing people do not understand about marijuana, is that it cures boredom.
El Chapo, Hero of Mexico
Posted @ 12:16 GMT 24 Feb 2014
Notorious gangster 'El Chapo' was recently arrested in Mexico. He ran the larges
Legalizing Weed 101
Posted @ 09:44 GMT 22 Feb 2014
It would seem that the new date for the shops to open here in WA is June-somethi
Climate Change Solutions
Posted @ 17:57 GMT 21 Feb 2014
There are a number of cost-effective solutions to the problem of carbon-emission
Figure Skating
Posted @ 20:10 GMT 20 Feb 2014
Yu-Na did not win the gold medal, but, Yu-Na, you're welcome to hang out here an
Dog Years
Posted @ 11:00 GMT 20 Feb 2014
Using a 15 year-old game is like using a 15 year-old computer. The kind of shit
N. Korea U.N. Report
Posted @ 07:29 GMT 19 Feb 2014
In case you haven't heard, N. Korea is committing what are called 'crimes agains
The Evolution of Criminals
Posted @ 14:50 GMT 17 Feb 2014
As evolution is the process of adapting living organisms to their environments,
Global Education Initiative
Posted @ 06:04 GMT 17 Feb 2014
In the United States, there are neighborhoods which are basically third-world co
A Guide to Killing Religion
Posted @ 22:48 GMT 14 Feb 2014
Everyone hates religion, but most people do not know how to destroy it. I've com
Appeasing the Superficial
Posted @ 20:45 GMT 10 Feb 2014
Aside from QL being essentially a 15 year-old game, there are other issues with
Queue You
Posted @ 20:55 GMT 9 Feb 2014
In this year of 2014, the Quake community is still wasting its free time sitting
Quake V
Posted @ 18:26 GMT 7 Feb 2014
Everyone knows that Q3 is 15 years old. Most of the people who play moba's were
Marijuana Information
Posted @ 16:15 GMT 6 Feb 2014
There is this person named 'Marco Rubio', who is a Republican from Florida (you'
American Football
Posted @ 05:03 GMT 4 Feb 2014
Since I know how much everyone outside the U.S. can't get enough of American Foo
Super-Bowl XI-don't know
Posted @ 05:49 GMT 2 Feb 2014
The super-bowl is tomorrow. No matter who wins, I think we can all agree that we
Adaptive Formatting
Posted @ 18:46 GMT 31 Jan 2014
One could objectively say that game A is better than game B, and that might be a
Legal Weed
Posted @ 22:11 GMT 30 Jan 2014
Some of you seem to be daft about the recent legal weed laws. You think that wee
Human Achievement
Posted @ 13:59 GMT 30 Jan 2014
Moba's, a.k.a. 'rts for retards', cannot be considered actual sports. Maybe what
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