Event: QC'10

Rod "Slasher" Breslau: You look to face stermy in the 3rd round of the bracket as your first real challenge, what are your thoughts going up against him here?
DaHanG: He's a very strong player that you can't afford to make mistakes against. I know he stepped up a bit at ESWC by defeating rapha in groups, so he's capable of playing great games. I am just hoping to feel comfortable at the tournament with my setup and just feel good in general (awake and alert). I don't think it's really worth thinking about too much though as we both are veterans and know how each other plays. It's just going to come down to who is playing better this particular match.
Players weren't able to play their first games today, what happened there?
DaHanG: Apparently the internet was down, and this is required to play the game. The internet was up later in the afternoon, but LAN servers were still not available. I don't know any technical details, but more games will be played Friday because of it - and I hope because I'm in both tournaments there aren't scheduling issues or personal fatigue. I hope things are VERY smooth tomorrow.
The full interview can be read on the next page.
Photo: SK-Gaming.com
Edited by xou at 02:06 CDT, 13 August 2010 - 25332 Hits
Shit, he's stolen my idea of out-braining my opponent on LAN and just yelling out random numbers to throw them off their timing..