This beta 1 version for Quake 4 was made by mnemjc and zhakal. It is based on the Quake Live version of the map.
It has been scaled by 40 percent and some areas have been changed to fit the overall gameplay of Quake 4.
The map has also been re-textured with custom made textures, and relit to highlight Quake 4's features.
As it is a beta, it has issues and things not fully done. Please provide some feedback after testing the map.
Credits go out to the following:
idsoftware - Original maker of the map
Hourences - Hourpitores Textureset
Yan "Method" Ostretsov - Some textures from Yan's Test
Source 1
Source 2
Map is currently online at SpontanGames public server:
It has been scaled by 40 percent and some areas have been changed to fit the overall gameplay of Quake 4.
The map has also been re-textured with custom made textures, and relit to highlight Quake 4's features.
As it is a beta, it has issues and things not fully done. Please provide some feedback after testing the map.
Credits go out to the following:
idsoftware - Original maker of the map
Hourences - Hourpitores Textureset
Yan "Method" Ostretsov - Some textures from Yan's Test
Source 1
Source 2
Map is currently online at SpontanGames public server:
Edited by zhakal at 15:01 CDT, 16 August 2010 - 15956 Hits