Lans and Commercial Potential
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Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
With GTV, the cost of 'streaming' an entire online season is almost nothing (even less with torrent-style GTV). It is easy and inexpensive (with Quake Live anyway), to connect a computer to a modern HD flatscreen. Most have VGA ports, if not HDMI, RCA, or component. In that sense, watching the games would be no different from watching any other sports presentation (especially by hybridizing GTV with streaming video). All the necessary evil commercialism can be run through the system, like what Quake Live already does, and/or through a hybridized streaming video system.
By having this type of arrangement, women might actually get involved. Once they're drunk enough, they won't so much notice the 'nerdiness' of their surroundings, and they might even like it... i'm sure they would find it nice, not having to worry about anyone hitting on them, or anyone date-raping them. If there's one thing nerds won't do, it's approach women.
Seriously though, sports should not be about commercial sales and promotion, it should be about having a good time. If they also make people smarter, or healthier in some way, then that's great, but they have to be fun first.
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