1on1 (serious business shit) and 2on2 (for fun) CA only. I'm actually one of the best, if not the best CA 1on1 player atm. You can give me whatever opponent, even if he's pro, I'm not scared, I know that I'm still the best, if we play at least bo3 and if it's not on maps like campgrounds (only hearth and hellsgateredux are pretty good for 1on1 CA atm).
I don't have much fun playing team games, mainly because I don't need anyone to own in the game, I can just own by myself. So if anyone wants to play me at 1on1 CA, just come at IRC and ask. If you win me, you can call yourself DA God. But obviously you can't win. You can only try.
That's all I had to say.
Edited by He4rTL3sS at 16:43 CDT, 6 September 2010 - 26890 Hits