Also, good tune.
Edited by xou at 07:47 CDT, 27 September 2010 - 97694 Hits
Well for one thing that such a thread here isn't deleted by an admin,
Several images with nude ladies has been deleted, even though they got a massive amount of plusses.
Fair enough, but it's ok to make a thread mocking a person, just because you don't like him and couldn't bother to use the ignore feature.
>"They can't stop talking about some stranger on the internet that they say they want to ignore."
Dude, you got it so wrong. You don't understand a thing, man. Like, it's so TOTALLY obvious that our [genuine] attempt to ignore someone is just a way to get a rise from him [bullshit]. That'll teach him! Why are you calling me out on my stupidity anyways? You must have a superiority complex, don't you!?