Now if you compare QL to the near perfect CPMA , there still is some room for improvements and although i would appreciate a better netcode, scoreboard, chat tokens and whatever small bits people keep wishing for, i really dont think these things are deal breakers and will have a major effect on the future of Quake live.
On the other hand there is just sooo much room for improvement in terms of site features, afterall the centralized platform is the one thing that makes Quake Live stand out from its predecessors. So lets have a look on what could be done to make QL a better experience and help the community grow.
Leaderboard / Ladder
I dont wanna waste much time on the current leaderboard (because it is a joke), it doesnt need to go away, but it is kinda useless and we need an actual ladder system. Right now people dont even get to see their current tier, but for most of the player base that means that there is no indicator for how well they are doing, nothing that makes people want to get better, nothing to compete for... Just look at how essential the ladder is to SC2...
Additionally there could be on site tournaments with different divisions and/or seeds based on the ladder postions.
Player Profile
The profile is a cool thing, but it should be extended feature wise. It could include the players config for example, so obvious and yet so cool.
An equipment/rig field where pros can feature their sponsors, fanboys check the current mouse of player x, and average joe boast about his overpirced gaming keyboard.
Statistics would be a lot more useful if you could filter for gametypes and time periods (graphs would be $$$) ann they could be extended with mapplays.
Additional to "Recent Competitors" it would be really cool to see the most played Competitors
Awards have a lot more potential aswell, same goes for the matches page. Would be cool it you could filter the view by gametype, comment on the matches and in the far future maybe even get serverside demos automatically attached to the match etc...
Okay so the big update brought us a clan system, oh wait, it didnt. It is now necessary/possible to register for a clantag, that is it. Your clan(s) isnt even displayed on your profile, possibilities for an clan system, the most basic being a public clanpage as part of your player profile that shows the roster and a written description where you could link your clansite and whatnot... But there so many more possibilities that would also make for great prem features like a private forum for each clan and chatrooms etc...
Now if u like it or not, stats motivate and influence people a lot and have a huge effect on ingame behavior (people playing 4v2 TDM for 7-8mins just to get a win is not uncommon). Public play would benefit a lot from a system that would punish leavers somehow and benefit people who balance teams, im not sure what the best way is to achieve this, but right now if you help the losing team with less players out, you will just get a loss and awards like "Win a Clan Arena match (of at least 5 rounds) without losing a round." dont help either
A convenient way to watch demos right from the site would be great, something like the QUAKE LIVE Demo Player addon for firefox would be just fine for the beginning
Server Browser
The current one is really clunky and a pain in the ass to use, make it possible to switch to something like the Quake Live New Alt Browser, afterall this guy actually listened to what people wanted and implemented it.
This are just some ideas i had in my head, i am sure there is much more...
Now the guys at id software arent stupid so they should have come up with similar things, but i wonder if they prioritize those additions correctly....
Edited by Nukm at 20:21 CDT, 13 September 2010 - 16512 Hits