Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
I'm just wondering, why has id become so unoriginal, and uninventive? Why do they merely recycle old maps, and trick people into thinking these maps are new... and premium? It seems like the entire idea behind Quake Live, was to merely recycle Quake III in hopes of selling the recycled version. Meanwhile, the community continues suffering without any kind of decent or necessary facilities... facilities which would actually help the community grow in ways of specific interest. Is it safe to say, id cares only for the potential net profit, and nothing for the concerns or needs of the community? Is GTV really so difficult to make? No... it's a simple programming job. How about a demo repository, that allows easy watching of demo's? Of course it's not difficult. And leagues and ladders, especially web-based versions, have been around since Netscape 0.9.
It has become apparent, id does not give a shit about the community. And that's fine, who says they need to? But they should at least have the decency to tell everyone, they don't give a shit, and they're never going to provide GTV or any of the other things we so desperately need. As they string people along, with false hopes, the people continue investing their valuable lives into something that will never come to fruition for anyone but id (and even that's uncertain). Certainly though, they either don't care about pro-gaming, or they are so grossly inept, it's probably worse than not caring.
Id continues disappointing me more and more, and I would be amazed if that trend changed. What have they done, since Q3? Aside from the degree of improvements in Quake Live, nothing. They still have yet to put GTV in any of their games (all versions of GTV found in Quake games have been made by the community). They have yet to provide better demo management (things like Seismovision were all made by the community). They have yet to provide a single league or ladder of their own design, and own management. Most of the good maps have also been made by the community. And have you ever tried baseq3? It's complete shit compared to osp and cpma (both made by the community). It's clear, the community needs to face reality - id does not care shit about the community, pro-gaming or esports, and it's possible they never will. You can try to change id, or you can just look elsewhere for people who do care about these things, and are willing to invest towards them. Certainly, Q3 has many of these things already in place, and with a little more modding, we could get Q3 to a point further along than QL might ever reach, and definitely as far as we need it to be. If we simply took the improvements of QL, and modded them into Q3, the latter would already be further along than QL (and the QL improvements are almost exclusively the interface and the ease of downloading/installing files).
Then again, maybe i'm wrong about id, and they're just hopelessly incompetent? Is that really any better than being hopelessly apathetic?
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