Event: EC XXII
Gametype: TDM 4v4Map: N/A
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: Multiple
How to play back QL demos
>> 78723-4Kings_xt_DeepInsideDreadfulPlace_serve.rar <<
(9822KB, 110 DLs)
(9822KB, 110 DLs)
"1st week game with 4Kings vs xt on Deep Inside and Dreadful Place. Two very close maps, check vods from Holysh1t and lvl^(VOD)."
edit: purri's pov was also uploaded: http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=1970664
Source: clanbase.ggl.com (Spoilers)
Edited by Nukm at 11:22 CDT, 8 October 2010 - 2926 Hits