Event: DHW10
Level Up TV announce the plans to celebrate their one year anniversary this November 2010; a team to travel and provide live on-site video coverage of not one, but two Dreamhack Winter 2010 Quakelive Tournaments!1. Fnatic Play MSI BEAT-IT 1v1 Tournament on the 25th November 2010.
2. Dreamhack's own Kaspersky 1v1 Tournament on the 26th and 27th November 2010.
As an organisation, we are well aware of the difficulties that broadcasters often face when initially taking on the huge task of covering live events on-site, and as such we wouldn’t want to over promise and underachieve. However with an unquenchable thirst for coverage we can with full confidence promise to provide both our HQ and LQ livestream with special guest commentary from both pro-gamers and James "2GD" Harding (When we can get him away from the Stunlock Studios Stand!).
In addition to this, being on site will allow us to provide the supplementary video-on-demand content following the event that we've not yet previously had the opportunity to work on - such as; group interviews, Exhibition video tours and our teams evening antics to display that unique festival atmosphere DreamHack is so famous for.
If you have any comments regarding specific improvements we could make to our existing video streams, or any ideas on how you think we should cover DreamHack Winter 2010 then please direct your comments to levelupyourgame@gmail.com or reply to this post.
This is our first live event and as such, our team are financing this on our own terms. However if you have thoroughly enjoyed the coverage we have brought to you thus far and would like to contribute toward the costs of the additional equipment we require to move toward live event coverage for the forseeable future then please, we welcome all donations through our counter on the right hand side of our website and here: http://leveluptv.chipin.com/leveluptv-dreamhack
Related: Related: Website and donations , Steam Group, Announcement
Edited by xou at 18:29 CDT, 23 October 2010 - 18214 Hits