Event: DHW10
Update: lvl^ will be cover the qualifiers! Stay tuned for more info.The Kasperskys Quake Live Championships tournament gets better and better. Today 3 new players were invited, to make the lineup even more impressive: spart1e, noctis and k1llsen. The Grand Final of Kasperskys Quake Live Championship will as usual be played at our very own Dream Arena Extreme. With room for 1100 shouting fans this is something out of the ordinary.
We're also announcing an official online qualifier for the Kasperskys Quake Live Championships. If you want a wild card, here's your chance. Sign up on PlayDH and make sure that you'll take this chance!
The qualifier will be played on Saturday the 30th of October. Starting with check-in at 05:00 CST in #Dreamhack.Quake and the qualifier starting at 06:00 CST. The winning player will receive a Wild Card into the tournament.
Links: Announcement, Online Qualifier, #Dreamhack.Quake
Edited by xou at 13:10 CDT, 23 October 2010 - 26157 Hits