Today whilst watching the Q3 games, as well as playing the thought occurred to me that I have 2 very different dodging styles against an opposition with an LG primed on me. If I have a rocket launcher, my dodging is pretty decent. Fairly random and unpredictable. I wouldn't say it's faultless or out of this world, but decent and gets the job done pretty well (even if I do say so myself. It wouldn't hold up against a top tier player anyway :D)
However, if I have an LG with the opponent using an LG, bang goes that random and decent dodging in favor of "I'm gonna fucking outaim you bitch" dodging which consists of... well, not much dodging.
Focusing primarily on out-aiming the opponent. Now two things to point out here. I'd say that aiming with LG has a fair bit to do with strafing and I'd hedge bets on most people agreeing with that to a certain extent. I've never had any problem in LG duels. I'd like to think I'm a pretty decent LG'er that could shaft duel most people with a degree of success (save for Swedish robots or French CA pros).
I will stress I have no problem with how I aim/dodge with LG currently. I don't have delusions of becoming the next mad-fragging pro. My LG aim seems to work afterall (mainly because on a good day I tend not to loose too many shaft 1v1s). However, the thought occurred to me: If I could dodge like I do when I'm not aiming with the LG, whilst hitting the same accuracies, how awesome would that be?!
Which brings up the discussion of "Do you aim and dodge, or dodge and aim". Players most people could agree fall into the former would be players like Strenx and Toxjq. Players falling into the latter category would be players like Rapha and Cooller. Is one form better then the other? Hard to say really. It's very situational afterall...
Despite this, in my boredom, I'm interested to attempt to integrate my non-LG-weapon-opponent-LGing dodging into my LG-weapon-opponent-LGing aim (if that makes any sense). I'm sure over time most top tier players ('pro's if you will :3) have got to doing a certain degree of both (even if it's just a small amount of % split in either direction I guess) but it's interesting to think about how to get into the habbit of doing this more (aside from shit loads of shaft duels :D)
I noticed messing around with it in some 2v2 CA (lol'd) that with my normal LGing (that is, focusing on aiming rather then dodging) I would hit around 40-45% LG but with dodging and then aiming I would hit 25-35%. The point isn't "oh he's hitting less" therefore he's loosing (although it's true for the most part in 2v2 CA...) but moreso that my opponent would be hitting less, so in the end it kind of balances out. Interesting viewpoint though...
Anyway, for TL;DR summary, Just an interesting topic about a general consensus of ESR users of whether they aim and then dodge or dodge and then aim.
I guess I'm just a bit of a spaz I guess that can't walk and chew gum at the same time. I was never a drummer that worked on doing different things simultaneously. Quite the opposite infact. I'm a guitarist that works on synchronizing things perfectly, so when it comes to trying to separate my mind into doing two different things at once, it can be quite a struggle (DERP).
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