Name: G.I. Jonesy
Posts: 2441
Posts: 2441
In the past, you could say the Saints were awful because they didn't have good players, good coaches or the necessary team structure. This year though, they have almost the same team they won the super-bowl with last year, and yet they are playing like the same Saints we've all been either suffering through or laughing about for 40 years (minus last year). So I wonder, what could be the real cause of the perpetual comedy of errors that is the Saints.
One theory, is that they're called the Saints. What are Saints, really? They're religious fuckheads who only show up when there is tragedy. That means, without tragedy, they're completely worthless. So sure, when a terrible hurricane catastrophe occurs, the Saints show up and help out. Once the tragedy has passed, they revert back to their roles of sucking collection-plate dick. Yeah, that must be it... the Saints should change their name... to the Aliens.
Hopefully id won't continue being as bad as the Saints. Look: millions of people watch football. How many of those people actually play football? How many of those millions watch preseason football? A tiny fraction of people watch preseason because the games are meaningless. And that's the main reason for a league or a ladder, especially one that leads into some kind of championship. The Super-Bowl gets like 100 million viewers, while preseason gets about 300. And out of all those millions of viewers, almost none play football, or have ever played organized football. So yes, Quake has a small player-base, but it doesn't matter, because the audience-base is what matters. Unfortunately, because id is so incredibly preoccupied concocting devpick servers no one cares about, they don't provide what audiences need - namely GTV, easy-to-load demos, and leagues/ladders.
Didn't John Romero used to work at id? Maybe that's what happened... he quit and Carmack lost interest.
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