If you want to know how our two favorite Q2 Legends do in QL TDM, check out the full interview interview on the next page already.
If you have not read them already, make sure to also check out
Interview #1 with

Interview #2 with

Interview #3 with

Links: PURRI's CFG+HUD, xt@ESL, xt@CB
Edited by xou at 16:19 CDT, 27 October 2010 - 19832 Hits
didn't know you started quake in the same year as me and I have to agree that early clanbase eurocup days were brilliant. Especialy the lan finals where I had the luck to be admin and travel with OdB Snoid and BigG. Those sure were great times. Though reaching the lanfinals myself twice with my clan would be definatly best memory I have of clanbase eurocup :) Miss the good old days though :(
Nice interview :)