A total amount of 8 participants from the

With Fragster and Teamoxid TV to organize a contest to find a new talented shout caster for the German Quake Live scene there will be a brilliant and entertaining evening coming up this evening from 13:00 CDT.
Raptor, ESL TV and Teamoxid are supporting the caster contest (Sign up) with the following prizes for the winner: Raptor H3 7.1 USB-Headset, key for 1 Month ESL TV and IRC Bouncer.

Edited by xou at 08:26 CST, 11 November 2010 - 9922 Hits
obv it does not concern/interest a majority of the userbase but there is no way for a news to get any attention without majoring it atm :( so if you dont want a news overlooked by 99% of the viewers, there is only one thign to do...