Something I was thinking about recently when Reason Gaming and Dignitas added new players to their lineups for TDM etc was which is the more prominent team based game in QuakeLive?
I dunno how to add a poll (only admins can right? So if an admin could that'd be awesome) but the options would be:
What do you consider the more 'commercial' (if you will) competitive team based QL game?
- Both equal
I say this because from a team roster point of view, if they want to add a team for QuakeLive do they:
- Add duel players and ignore team Quake (SK)
- Add duel players that can also play TDM (guess you could say Reason/Dignitas)
- Add duel players that can also play CTF (EG? Kind of a different type though because the duel players aren't participating in the CTF - aside from DaHang iirc)
- Add duel players/TDM/CTF players that can do all (fnatic?)
- Add one TDM team (4k? I guess it's easy to say that they could compete duel etc as well but their main strength is in TDM)
- Add one CTF team (EvilGeniuses? Competitive TDM is a bit less popular in US though right?)
- Add one TDM and one CTF team (unrealistic, nobody would)
It's an interesting point, because with most competitive CTF being 4v4 now and TDM being 4v4, do you think top clans/teams (whatever you want to call them) would be more inclined to add a 4 player Quake roster if the players practiced and competed in 4v4 TDM, 4v4 CTF and possibly also duel (getting their money's worth basically)?
Anyway, basically, what do you think showcases the team-based play of Quake3/Live more? CTF, TDM or both on equal levels? Personally I say both equally but the problem with that is if a big team wants a Quake team they would need to add players that could compete in both categories and there's always that argument about people complaining about 4v4 CTF as "omfg CTF is just TDMers now"
I dunno how to add a poll (only admins can right? So if an admin could that'd be awesome) but the options would be:
What do you consider the more 'commercial' (if you will) competitive team based QL game?
- Both equal
I say this because from a team roster point of view, if they want to add a team for QuakeLive do they:
- Add duel players and ignore team Quake (SK)
- Add duel players that can also play TDM (guess you could say Reason/Dignitas)
- Add duel players that can also play CTF (EG? Kind of a different type though because the duel players aren't participating in the CTF - aside from DaHang iirc)
- Add duel players/TDM/CTF players that can do all (fnatic?)
- Add one TDM team (4k? I guess it's easy to say that they could compete duel etc as well but their main strength is in TDM)
- Add one CTF team (EvilGeniuses? Competitive TDM is a bit less popular in US though right?)
- Add one TDM and one CTF team (unrealistic, nobody would)
It's an interesting point, because with most competitive CTF being 4v4 now and TDM being 4v4, do you think top clans/teams (whatever you want to call them) would be more inclined to add a 4 player Quake roster if the players practiced and competed in 4v4 TDM, 4v4 CTF and possibly also duel (getting their money's worth basically)?
Anyway, basically, what do you think showcases the team-based play of Quake3/Live more? CTF, TDM or both on equal levels? Personally I say both equally but the problem with that is if a big team wants a Quake team they would need to add players that could compete in both categories and there's always that argument about people complaining about 4v4 CTF as "omfg CTF is just TDMers now"
Edited by ZeritoN at 22:38 CST, 16 November 2010 - 8500 Hits