Posted by Thorin @ 12:52 CST, 22 November 2010 - iMsg
It's Monday so "Fresh Pots" returns with another fresh serving of QuakeLive analysis as SK Gaming's Shane "rapha" Hendrixson breaks down the decisive map, ztn, of the IEM V Gamescom final against Marcel 'k1llsen' Paul.
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
well as much as he tries to explain his play, he also does not want to give away every aspect of his play and decision making. a bit sad for us but quite understandable
I dont think everything is matter how good you are some decisions are based on gut feeling...and the downside is sometimes they are wrong.
I'm not sure if it was dm6.. but in the past he did do a pretty nice review of his own game. A bit more objective / better / more in dept than this one that's true :)
hmmmmm, I think the most important thing on this level of playing isn't that much what you base your decisions on but how accurate they are.
Like I can explain to ppl exactly why I make decisions and why some fail and others work out good and it wouldn't help my opponents anything because they won't be able to copy / understand my gameplay during the game.
And since rapha kinda plays the same in many situations I guess the same goes for him. Most people just can't tell what the nmy is/will be doing that accurate (rapha is more accurate than I am I guess... at least his aim is a lot stronger :P)
Finally somebody who's got a clue. Rapha isn't telling anything, he's just articulate.
Take recent his gamescon dm13 commentary for example, where he snatched mega while cooller was playing "off the items". He would not mention that he carefully observed qcon finals. And how he noticed that cooller had arrived with a plan there he might pursue twice, and how rapha could profit from that in terms of "odd places".
All rapha's telling is the obvious things one sees anyway. Albeit nicely worded, I give him that, and true to the tradition of american entertainment shows.
If you're looking into casting, be prepared for exactly this happening though. Quite a few people can't distinguish between being entertained and being informed, and take one for the other. And where they can, their priority is on the former.
So even with a top notch analysis, you'll be likely to get complaints like "wasn't fluent enough" or "was boring", maybe because you failed to throw in some djwheat style "OMG I WET MY PANTS" screeches.
that did happen ye :>
but a lot of ppl also liked my shoutcasting (at least I mainly got positive feedback). But HS is taking it really slow atm (I was a 'guest comentator' for them and did a few zotac's/gdata thingies... But I'm not much of a omfg that was awesome kind of caster ;)
Man, I do remember your casting, and it was certainly very good. Specifically because you focused on the subject, much like e.g. stermy does when commenting a game, in the role of an expert guest.
There's no denying though that, when you're doing a show on your own, you're addressing audiences accustomed to having things wrapped into thick layers of "emotions" and "excitement". They're expecting a "show" after all.
I'm not at all a fan of that kind of presentation. 2gd and Joe are about the maximum I can take in that direction. But look at the Russians in comparison. Much more toned down, with an occasional "oioioioi" in between hours of comparatively sober talk, where you don't have a feeling as if they constantly wanted to sell you something. For them, it somehow seems to work.
That dude needs to be quiet. It seems like he is eager to let the viewers know that he got alot of insight himself. Well this isn't about you so let Rapha talk.
On top of that please change the god damn config already and make some binds for rapha to slow the game down if he needs to elaborate on a specific episode.
All this is an easy fix and will get the quality of these videos raised hundredfolds. It's a shame that such a good concept gets nothing less but totally ruined by these small mistakes.
Thanks for the video! I guess that the cold reaction here is due to the match itself, which is not very exciting - somehow the problem seem to be rapha's aim not up to the challenge. Or maybe it's just the fact that the player commentating loses, and this reduces the excitement in his comments. Anyways, this kind of video are pure win, so keep up the good work guys!
Edited by Memento_Mori at 16:03 CST, 22 November 2010
Be honest, was it really rapha's dominance that made him win all these events or the psychological aspect (he's rapha, he's scary) that prevented all these players from beating him.
Plus, in retrospect, was rapha really all that dominant? He beat cypher by a mere map, he beat cooller by a mere map, he beat spartie by a mere map. With just a little luck for his opponents he could have lost all 3 of these matches (Quakecon 08, IEM semifinals, IEM finals).
In my view, and for many people, rapha is no longer the favorite, and possibly no longer the best Quake Live player in the world.
well, so far he's been Mr Clutch
like, "u either crush me straight away, or u let me live long enough so that i eventually let u crack up",
nadal stuff, u know, sorta born to be on big stage
to my mind thats a unique thing from him
speaking of that, i recall eswc2k10,
where he seemed out of shape and lost to stermy, while avek literally raped everybody including stermy
and last round rph vs avek, last map, he had to win to proceed
then there was the totally dominant dm6
Edited by incendiary at 01:22 CST, 23 November 2010
Stermy showed then that rapha is beatable (and a couple events later, it happened again, this time he wasn't the only one to beat rapha).
In ESWC I think a lot of people would agree av3k did not play at his best, and I dont know, but I think a lot of that was again the psychological aspect of "beating rapha". Moreover, it was a bo3 - dm13 is clearly rapha's thing, and t7 was seconds away from a comeback.
I think cooller is right. Rapha being the king of Quake can be largely attributed to luck (and then psyching out opponents). Look how fallible he is now, when he is now considered beatable? Stermy beat him, cooller has beat him, k1llsen has beat him, cypher is itching to beat him
With the changes to the map pool away from dm6 (maps that clearly rapha excels on out of control) to maps like aerowalk and hektik, those players who lost by a map in all of these finals have an upper hand with their superior aim (cypher, k1llsen, av3k, stermy). Rapha's style of sort of only taking the safe bets, the safe exits, the safe plays, the safe positions is both unfeasible on these maps (you cannot play hektik out of control like rapha would want to) nor the best style (the aggressive aim heavy styles simply dominate on aerowalk).
This is coming from an American. And yeah obviously all of this is my opinion. My pick is either cypher, stermy, or av3k -- nope not cooller (I feel like he is too easy to figure out), nor k1llsen (unlike cypher he tends to abuse his aim and this can be countered). All of these players have both the aim and the smarts to win tournaments. I think the sleeper pick is stermy - people overlook him so much but I have a feeling he will surprise us all.
He beat most of them 'by a mere map' when he was 2-0 down in a bo5 meaning he won 3 straight maps. It takes some strong stuff to not get down and give up on the 3rd map and win the whole thing and he's mentioned how it see's it before.
Nothing to do with how good or bad his aim is. He just has a good mindset and is a good ambassador for Quake as an esport
Yeah that's definitely hard to do - but that seems to me the psychological thing.
You're facing the world champion and you can clinch it with another map. You start to get nervous - then he gets some kills and it looks like you are going to lose this map - you get even more nervous. Then once rapha takes two maps, you're even more nervous - after all, you could let this one slip after being so close. You start to change your game style without even realizing it, you start to take less risks, you try to play it safe. It's a chain reaction that plays right into the hands of rapha.
And it's the same sort of thing that doesn't exist anymore now that rapha is no longer considered unbeatable. This advantage has disappeared.
When did people start to fear Rapha? Was it after his ONE major victory in Q3 (ESWC MoA)? His Quakecon09 Victory? His Dubai victory? His WC victory?
Rapha has proven countless times that he is one of the best (if not THE) quakelive players and it's just funny how he STILL doesn't get much respect..maybe if he were a euro he would!
(PS: Anonymous, I'm not claiming you don't respect Rapha)
That's not what I was trying to imply with my comment.
I was asking, when did the "intimidation factor" of playing against Rapha come into play for the other pro players? Was it after MoA? QCON09? Dubai? etc.
Rapha has proved countless times hes the best player in the world for Quakelive. Hes been able to beat every style in the game: aggressive players, calculated players, aim heavy players, +back players.
Hes the most mentally strong player there is and I figure that is a key reason to why he won so many tournaments.
He starts getting less than 1st place and all of a sudden people claim hes nothing special anymore haha.
dood, rapha is a fucking quake genius, he's calculating all kinds of random shit during duels that you wouldn't expect.
I expect everyone to get owned by rapha on hektik, since you haven't seen him play that map yet, he's playing it completely different than everyone else. It's fucking insane. He's making guys rage quit in warmup man.
Stermy makes no mistakes = rapha can't capitalize
Cooller is cooller = rapha loses barely or wins barely
K1llsen hit every mother fucking shot there is to hit = rapha owned
That is what happened. Rapha is still godlike in quake, don't underestimate him. Cooller himself said Rapha is better than ZeRo4 at his prime, and z4 taught rapha everything he knows. Rapha is just that good.
Cooller himself said Rapha is better than ZeRo4 at his prime
this is so retarded, i can't even grasp how stupid it is.
good that you mention that the 2009/2010 champion is better than the 2000/2001 champion, that's a magnificent discovery.
zero4 didn't teach rapha everything he knows for fucks sake. he mentored him.
btw zero4 wiped the floor with rapha a couple of weeks ago in a game which suits him much more, (where he actually was the champion). and zero4 from that tournament would own zero4 from the champion days on any given map. you know why?
quake 3 is a hitscan aim game more than quakelive. That is why zero4 beat rapha, he always had beastly aim and slow rockets means you can't defend from a rampaging zero4, like quakelive.
Cooller said rapha was better than zero4 at around 2007 or so when he was still playing quake 3 and zero4 was active and trying to win shit again.
Rapha will beat ZeRo4 in quakelive every single time because the game so far is based around intellectual play and positioning more so than aim.
Weaker weapons mean longer battles. If you are in the right spot, you take less damage than you give and your opponent dies.
This is why cooller and rapha with weak aim can still take down k1llsen and cypher on certain maps. And why ZeRo4 will never be good or dominate in quakelive. Compare his aim to cypher/strenx/k1llsen and you know they just destroy him completely. And Rapha is still able to stand with these monsters and beat them.
Cooller said Rapha was better than zero4 which is true, better means smarter to cooller. Since he never acknowledges aim monsters as good at quake. Except rage quitting vs toxjq a few games and whining about his aim. Cooller has beaten ZeRo4 in every match they have met, for Rapha it's about 50-50. That says all that needed to be said. gg
ahhhh right, you're the guy who declared zero4 to be an aim player. that's why he's not in the top of quakelive, not because he stopped being serious about it a long time ago.
i guess rapha took some advices on how to aim with rockets and rail. FML. i hope poor rapha doesn't read any of the bullshit you typed above.
ZeRo4 is an aim/position player mostly. You see him rushing with LG a lot in quakelive only to eat lots of rockets. His comeback vs DKT on hektik is because he hit 3 pixel rails in a row. He's a quaker based on aim. Rapha is based on position/ and enemy health, its calculated that even if he aims worse than his opponent he will still come out on top.
zero4's game was based on 50% positioning, 30% prediction, and 20% aim. there were far better aimers than him in every single period of his career. i obviously can't explain that to you, cause you weren't there at the time, and base your opinion strictly on the quake of today.
the huge brain of cooller beat him mostly by 80% of his frags being spawnfrags, with last 3 minutes of desperately running away with 1 frag advantage. so impressive vs a stupid aimwhore. anyway.
i should have stopped typing after you put z4 and toxjq in the same sentence.
you're obviously new, and in a few years, if you concentrate, you'll start to understand some things.
i just find it hard not to reply to something so ignorant.
the only better aimers than zero4 were daler on t4 with fucking 69 fov. Toxic didn't play duel much back then. Fox/z4muz that couldn't do shit against him. LeXeR was good at rail but not good at shaft or rockets. Cooller was shitty, never hit consistent rails. Fazz was good but only at rail. Socrates was medium aim.
ZeRo4 had the best rockets at the time. Very good rail, very good shaft. In OSP he was the best. CZM didn't duel much back then and fatal1ty was not that good at aiming.
Look at Fatality vs ZeRo4 DM6 when he beat him like 15- (-1) zero4 out shafts the shit out of him and +forwards trying to kill him the whole game. But got out smarted constantly.
Carde/cha0ticz had the best LG but were shitty.
The best aimers played TDM back then. Mikes/prozac/gopher/toxjq
I think its you that doesn't know shit.
don't even bother mentioning like stelam/python/st.germain/b100.death/lakerman because those guys sucked. They were 'good' but didn't even have half the aim that zero4 had back then.
it is true, ive seen that shit live in countless gtv games and demos.
I'd say if you wanted the best rocket player, it was uNkind. The best shafter was z4muz. The best railer was Daler.
But the guy who had the most consistent of all 3 of these and high level aim when OSP was newish was ZeRo4.
After that it became: (in order, Late OSP duelers only)
CPMA changed everything when they removed the 50ms built in lag. This made everyone's aim jump. The 36% lg that was godly was now standard, making the game a LG fest. When it added XERP people hit 40% constantly. That + cripple/knockback made CPMA vq3 all shaft and shit. ZeRo4 lost his main advantage at being able to aimwhore most everyone in OSP.
BTW i saw you get shaft raped by strenx in zotac and rage, i know hes good but you can beat him easily using a) or b) when facing these shaft whores ok?
Understanding: Any equal shaft batte you start with strenx/stermy/toxic/cypher you will lose in armor/health stack.
a) Switch to shaft first, always get initial shaft damage on strenx/stermy/toxic. This is important, it makes them happy, they think shaft battle and think easy win. When they switch to shaft you switch to rockets and only rockets. Plasma is only if you are av3k, shotgun is only if you are a god and can control the bullets to hit 100%.
Take rockets and hit them 2-3-4 times depending on how many directs hit or if you are landing. If you are trying rockets from the start you will lose vs them almost always. The key is you having the initial shaft damage to get them in that state of mind, on dodging shaft not rockets. If they see you coming with rockets first you won't hit them faster than they can LG you.
When they are losing/being juggled by rockets then you can switch back to shaft to finish when they switch to rockets to fight you with.
This is Rapha's strategy against these aimers. The key being initial shaft damage and NEVER using the weapon they want to fight you with.
b) The 2nd strategy is what cooller does. He makes sure to have a higher stack than them and starts shafting them first initial damage always or you will fail. But he has calculated their health and his own health. For them doing 150 damage, he does 100, so he makes sure to have 200 health and them at 100 so he can win the battle even when he aims worse. He does this countless times.
Noctits, the key for winning shaft vs aim whores is initial shaft damage and then switching out a) or having enough stack advantage b). In your games vs strenx you try to start out with rockets or hit rails and that sort. But when you try to shaft strenx you either.
1) don't have enough health/armor above him to win the shaft battle
2) use rockets first (which he can dodge easy when shafting) then switch to shaft.
3) initial shaft but keep on shafting even when he starts shafting you back - he catches up on damage and passes you easily.
These don't work.
(if facing cypher you are fucked every which way, since he is the master of weapon selection and switching, so gl)
That switching to rocket move against a better shafter is so revolutionary it might change the way QL is played!
Don't know about building a stack, though. Seems very risky to me. I mean you'd have to remember when those items spawn and all. Doesn't see worth the effort.
im telling him that obvious shit because he doesnt do it, i watched his games and saw him making these mistakes, if i didnt see these mistakes and strenx was just out lging him constantly even when he did what i know works, i wouldnt mention anything
its like when you see a 2 year old suck his thumb you tell him to stop and shit and he learns it. Then you see him again at 12 years old sucking his thumb and ur like wtf ur gonna get called weirdo. So stop sucking ur thumb faggot.
It's obvious hes not supposed to do that, but since u see him doing stupid shit u gotta tell him again. eh?
Also its not switching weapons vs a shafter, its initiating the shaft duel and changing the enemys mentality before you switch out another gun. There is a reason rapha wins vs these guys i've seen how other aimers try to fight these monster shafters and actually seen the correlation from which weapon and who hits first with that gun to learn why rapha wins vs them.
The health stack shit is obvious as fuck, so obvious that noctits should actually do it, but doesn't which rages me as i spec him. He hits like 200 rails then goes to shaft strenx with 120/0 vs his 100/0 stack.
guess what emo? shit doesnt work
hrmm its just an observation mate. A fresh set of eyes looking at why he lost vs strenx and how to combat it using rapha/cooller tactics. Noctits can aim as good as rapha/cooller in lg battles/rockets and rails. So he has the capability to own the shaft whores. I'm just telling him how rapha/cooller do it and make it look easy. So he has no questions about why he lost.
You don't need to be a nascar driver to see that the shit is leaking fuel to warn the driver and say whats up.
This car is leaking fuel, the others arent, plug the hole.
no, i wouldn't but noctis whines about shaft and aim all the fucking time. 'i'd kill to lg like rapha' then he whines about strenx will out lg him with 50 ping vs his 30 and then talks about old time hitboxes (which i miss too, but fuck c'mon)
It's just 1 long excuse why he can't play duel top level vs others. But here i am showing him how to get pass these aim whores.
I've seen cooller do it to z4muz/fox/toxjq/jibo/strenx etc, any all all lg whores get rocked by his strats.
And rapha does his weapon juke to them too. It's not like when madix rushes strenx with rockets trying to throw off his aim and win, i've seen the combination of what weapons to start with for these aim whores to get rocked. It's more about psychology than hitting shit.
Like if you play k1llsen and hes hitting every pixel rail, immediately your ass doesn't want to jump in open spaces and is +walking like a bitch trying to hear his rail humm. It's psychological on how to beat the shaft whores.
lexer hit a lot of air rockets and flick rockets. When in rocket fights he always got owned, theres a diff. uNkind hit flick rockets and air rockets like mad, but in rocket fights he was crazy as shit, like cypher of today.
he liked to keep distance in most fights and avoided close combats..that was his style..never felt he was bad at rockets..imho I find him more entertaining to watch than uNkind. Also you might want to add CZM in your good at railing list. He was hitting rail like a maniac when he was at his prime, and pretty much figured out all rail angles on hub and t4.
Edited by butcher_kgp at 15:07 CST, 23 November 2010
I never liked CZM's play style. And take a look at zero4 vs lexer in most osp matches, z4 would get up close in rocket fights with lexer and just pwn him.
There were always better aimers. I don't think Z4's style was ever anything special, he'd just play aggressive when he needed to, that's pretty much it.
That said, based on what I've seen out of Zero4 lately, I think he could certainly come back and beat rapha.
Yeah I spent this entire thread bashing rapha, and he's certainly a good player, but I don't think he deserves the God treatment he's getting.
Zero4 isn't an idiot. If I had to make a judgement call, I'd say he was the best player in the qualifying rounds (after rapha). Better than vo0 or dahang. Too bad he didn't show up to the finals in NYC.
It's a cool idea which was done really well with the Carmac ESL analysis but these videos feel more like a commentary then a breakdown of choices and thoughts Rapha had.
Still, great though, just wish
- Better config
- Let Rapha talk more
- Slowmotion binds
I agree with you but I want to add, why commentate this game at all rly? It's not an interesting game. Okey it's fun to watch when a pro commentate(it realy is!), but imo this was barely worth the time spent making it.
- Better config
- Let Rapha talk more(it wasn't rly anything more to say in this vid, but it would have been more interesting if you used slowmotion binds and then he could have explained more details).
- Slowmotion binds
fuck, everything you said is so fucking logical that i fail to see how they can even fuck it up. rapha vs k1llsen on battleforged was way better or the other maps. fuck?
Actually I like a lot more rapha as a guy than as a player (his playstyle is interesting but not really enjoyable for everyone, but still he's best QL player so far so I feel obligated to give him my respect)
So here we go again for the people who liked subtitles :) I've stopped at 6:14 - I will finish it as I find the motivation to go on :P
Fresh Pots Rapha vs K1llsen ztn
Right here I am getting one of the worst combinations that really have been happening lately. He gets LG, mega and is able to do so much damage and takes my yellow away and he is able to get free reign to the red. SO this is exactly what is happening here.
So he is at about 150 and 100 and I am barely at 150 total. So right here he sets up a good trap because he knows I want the second yellow to try to get back into the game. So he grabs the kill and gets 1:0.
Dude: Is it okay for you to spawn so awfully and still get back into the game?
Rapha: Em, yeah it is possible but the only way that this spawn combination was good is if I manage to do a ton of damage before I die when the new cycle is coming up for all the items. That is the only thing I can try to do. I kind of did it because I kept him weak enough - he had to delay the RA a bit in the beginning because he fought me so that is why I was able to get the kill and grab it.
Dude: Yeah, I mean he gets the kill and you get the re-kill. This is kinda of good, you are in a good position in terms of armor definitely. Health we can't discuss. But definitely he is not in a better situation right now.
Rapha: No for sure. The only thing that the problem is that I don't have an LG and here because of that he manages to get good positioning and grab the yellow. And here I felt to cut him off and hit any rockets. So he does a lot of damamge and he knocks me of position and hits an amazing shot. Just like that I just lost all control.
Dude: At that point when he jumps over to the red would it not have been better to grab the rail. You shot the rocket.
Rapha: I tried to shoot the rocket onto the ledge so that in case he did that he would bounce him up and I could get an easy rail. And get extra damage even. But I totally missed with my rockets. And then he just hit and incredible shot. And right now because of his control what he did was he grabbed mega/yellow and he knew since I was weak I was hesitant for jumping for the ra. So rjed up from yellow to the stairs leading up to the shotgun and he snuck up on me and got another good kill. So right now he has got full reign and almost everything. I am just focused on: Okay, get enough health and armor so I can live through a rail which is what I have done and luckily manage to get two yellows while this red is coming up. At the moment I am about 100 100 but I do not really want to fight him though. I want to try to get 100 200 and listen for the ra and maybe time. Right now I am doing okay. I managed to get to 100 200 and I know almost exactly when mega comes up - it is in like 3 seconds. I catch him trying to catch me off and I steal it. The only problem is at his get a way where he would have been easy to hit - I miss everything. And I make him pay for it.
Dude: Plus you teleport into a grenade and get some rocket damage.
Rapha: But even still I am doing okay as long as I don't get ambushed or do anything dumb then I should be fine. But I need to start to hit some shots you know to do some damage to take him off control.
Dude: What is the difference between the matches in the group stage and this one. Is he just playing the Quake of his live?
Rapha: I mean he was playing really good but I have actually seen him play better but I think it is just to the point where I was not hitting enough shots to throw him off control enough. Or to set him off into a predicaments [definiton: A situation, especially an unpleasant, troublesome, or trying one, from which extrication is difficult.] where he had to choose three or four different locations where I can trap him. But I was never abl to get this opportunity. Even here when I caught him out manages to escape. And he timed my in and out perfect to the mega while taking the ra and taking no damage. So even after all the damage that I did he is doing still okay - He grabbed the health and he is at about 100 and 125 now and now I just need to find him. Because I have the timing on every item of the map that is worth anything. He catches me out here though with a nice trap and to be honest it would have actually been better to just not have fallen onto the ra after the rocket damage because I took another one straight to the face. I would have fallen to the ground and I would have maybe been able to do some damage go get the mega or something. But that is just not how it worked.
ANd right now he is focused to keep the lead. He is at 2:1 and he just maintain control and cut me off. Which is why at the 50 health I was listening and that is exactly what he did and he want for the yellow and there he pulls of a super risky move because if I had not missed with my LG I would have, you know, toasted him. But right now there is nothing I can really do.
Dude: Was it kind of the turning point of the map. I mean it was very intense 2:1 but then he gets the 3:1 and...
Rapha: And the 4 and the 5. Yeah absolutely. With almost no resistance - I was not really able to do any damage, you know. And right here he gets another free kill. It is getting to the point where I have to take risks and this where I am trying to pull one off. I know when the red is and luckily catch him.
Dude: You caught him off guard here.
Rapha: And here a got a bit greedy with trying to do damage and I did a lot actually of damage when he was grabbing the mega which is nice for me. And I knew here I said: Yeah the comeback probability is really low I really have a good chance here if I can step up my game and hit some something.
Dude: So with three and a half minutes on the clock. Right now you still believe that you can pull this off.
Rapha: yeah absolutely. You have to at this point where it is plausible. And right here - bad weapon by choice him - So I said it is time to rush and so I get the kill. And now I know that he could spawn down here - and he does. And he takes like 60 damage from the rocket - so even though I've got 20 health and 60 something armor, I could get this kill. But for some reason my LG was just not hitting and he manages to pick up the kill. And afterwards when I rushed, because I figured he is so weak, I could kill him before mega but he lives with probably, say, 2 to 4 health left and picks it up. And from there where ever I'm going to spawn he could still pick up red and probably another yellow. And at that point when it is 8:2 at that time with the time left there was pretty much no chance of me coming back with a play of his caliber. He was not going to play stupid or anything.
Dude: So it is basically good game for you?
Rapha: Yeah definitely. At this point k1llsen has won and congrats to him. On this map specifically it was that his aim was just really on and it allowed to him to be more creative with his play. He caught me off more times with traps and what not. He just played a superb game and definitely one worth of a champion.
I am not doing this for me, I am doing this for everyone else who has trouble understanding them. I am sorry that I am so nice and that I like to sacrifice some of my time to contribute to the QL community where everybody moans about everything.
Also I actually like doing stuff like this - I've written a lot of transcripts (proper ones) in my life and it is just good practice and it is fun. I've actually learned one word and I find it amusing every time rapha says rocket. Cherish the little things my friend. [And if you say, that is what she said, grow up.]
Nice ! Now i know how to be defeated by k1llsen !!
Nonetheless a very interesting video.
I liked the other commentator. He points relevant facts like why rapha did choose rox instead of rail or if he still thought he could have come back in the game at the end...
They definitely should had "slow motion" like in ESL Classics to give players more time to explain their game.
Good tunes made the rest of the job :p
nothing new..... for newcomers maybe again a slight track how to duel....
every medicore dueler ponders hp/ap relation. maybe more uncontious than down to exact numbers but anyways. stacking up on minor items and weapons is also pretty obvious if you are cannon fodder. im still looking out for hints where the highly praised brain game has to be found :)
btw, im wondering why rapha gets the standard ztn spawnrape when score is still close? (gl spawn-> rl-> eat spam+rail) ?
rapha should explain why he takes specific paths around the map, when and why he feels save and danger, why he thinks he has position.
i disagreed once or twice when he claimed to have "position" xD
theres 2 minutes missing from the game in the end, it was unexpected and i thought i must have been blacked out :] not the best video but still enjoyable, wanna see rapha try shoutcasting too.
It was mentioned at the first video already. We have 3-6 videos produced already, so there will not be a change in the config on those.
For future recordings, we will change the config though.
Also we invite you to let us know which matches you want within our Fresh Pots.
I think this is the kinda thing that will grow Quake into the epic popular/professional game that it should be. Done right, like ESL classics, this could show the mass audience how strategic and challenging duelling is, with its underlying complications such as style, setup, playstyle/decision making etc etc etc.
Videogames will always struggle with this unless the audience is made up of enough people who understand it.
I could play Rapha and get owned hard, but the truth is I could do the same to someone I can beat just as bad and the public would have no idea between the difference between me or Rapha if they saw me owning someone like he could me.
Other top players (the people you see) are so closely matched, you'll never convey the subtleties to anyone but those who know the difference.
sk saw that that ESL thing was received very well and so they decided to continue... I'm really happy that they have rapha, not my fault if you favourite player doesn't care about his fans
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen
sk-rapha was railed by ESC K1llsen