Fucking obviously. We need lvl^ to do all major lans for all of quakelive now, until/if they fuck up 1 then we can start to look for others, but the work they just did at dreamhack won't be forgotten by anyone for a long long time.
Do you guys realize that the VODs have been ready for posting for months now? They were ready to be uploaded almost immediately after QuakeCon.
We are QLTV cannot do it until we're given the green light. Part of the contract was that id software owns the VODs (this was part of the reason LO3 did not cover QuakeCon 2010).
Level Up, Live on Three, or anyone else in this position would still have their hands tied. There's legality in these things, sadly, and the entire world isn't black and white.
So, please direct your angry rants away from QLTV, which like Level Up is a completely community-run, volunteer organization.
We would of course love to go to every event and help cover the quake action like we try to online. But it is unlikely we could cover the costs ourselves like the guys that went to DreamHack did, and I doubt donations would generate enough money to cover it all either.
Well just get one or two to go, post a thread up on a few sites, see what prelim donations you get and see if the estimates get close to what you need.
If they do then (not before) start taking money so you can send one or two over, or even if you come up short, it might be enough money to knock off a massive chunk of the cost, so instea of a £450 flight, it'll cost £150 each that way even if you swallow some costs, you get a cheap mini holiday for yourself aswell.
I'm sure you could raise enough for two flights and a shared room for a few days. Maybe 1500-2000 dollars.
Perhaps the players who win these big priozes can chip in some prize money, or start a small fund to put a small % of winnings in for coverage as they benefit from it too.
Just need to make sure you got the bandwidth like you had a in Sweden.
Failing that just someone with a camera, recording games, goign around and constant updates on a website.
I dont care if I see an over the shoulder video 30 mins after.
Secondly, how hard would it be for idsftware to code in a simple FTP upload into Quake?
It would be simple, simply define the ftp url and password and as long as the machine as net connection (which it probably will) the demo will get upload straight after the game to a repository.
yeah think the way qcon is/was handled reflects badly on qltv, its not like lvl^ can do miracles and make qcon run smoothly. and its way different to fill a few hours here and there when ql is down, but totally different to entertain quake nerds for 2 days straight while everything is totally fucked at qcon. qltv did what they could i guess