so now I know how to aim a rocket, strafe+lg, track an easy target with lg and I can do direct nades, but
but what's the trick with vertical rail aim?

See, hitting an opponent who goes from ZTN rail to MH from GL platform is not too hard as he is moving in a straight line and I consider that one almost a normal, horizontal shot.

One step up would be shooting up from RA tele/25 bubble, isn't too hard either, keep the crosshair aligned with the edge of SG and react fast.

But what do from above? Rocket spam becomes useless once you encounter opponents who actually can dodge one or two shots or they even pose a threat due to their aim?! The main problem with aiming down vertically is the different approach to move the mouse pointer and the 3D opponent dodge. You have to move the mouse far further for the same CM on screen - the degrees stay the same ofc. - the pic will explain it far better
