Would be awesome to bring back the Saturday G-data cup along with Sunday's Zotac. 2v2 is a bit tiresome to be honest though and I think the entries would be kinda slim.
I think I'd be much more fun to try out 2 duel map pools. Something like:
Saturday G-data
- Battleforged
- House of Decay
- Phrantic
- Vertical Vengeance
- ??? (Not sure what to stick here since lots of options could be put in: DM6 (noctiswhine:D), CA2 (meh), T6 (MEH), Dismem (/wrist), Solid or Gothic Rage maybe)
Sunday Zotac
- Aerowalk
- Blood Run
- Furious Heights
- Hektik
- Lost World
Edited by xou at 11:47 CST, 5 December 2010 - 3711 Hits