Event: DHW10
Level Up TV would today, a week after the conclusion of the Quake Live tournaments at DreamHack Winter, like to conclude our own personal on-site coverage of the event by releasing the secondary content we promised in our initial press release.As an organisation, we were well aware of the difficulties that we could potentially meet head on when initially taking on the huge task of covering live events on-site, we wanted to make efforts to ensure that we provided the best possible service to our viewers with the limited resources that we had at our disposal. Taking all of this into consideration we are today able to release our "Level Up TV at DreamHack" video presentation.
The 71 minute footage was recorded during the 3 days of the Quake Live tournaments and it varies in content from interviews, event area walkthroughs, the ramblings of the players and of course, a brief chat with mr. Day9 himself!
The main purpose of it, was to try and share with the viewers our first time experience at DreamHack, showcasing some of that atmosphere that both Quake Live and DreamHack is so famous for.
Once again we hope you have all enjoyed our coverage for this event and we would like to thank all of our donors, viewers and supporters.
See you in 2011!
Direct links: Part I, Part II
Related: Play the Movie!, Website and donations , Steam Group
Edited by xou at 11:59 CST, 7 December 2010 - 24218 Hits
No online stream I ever watched had been this fun.
Interviews, insights from players, funny things inbetween and one of the best things - the players are the one who got involved.
lvlup showed everyone there, that they are way ahead in onlinecoverage.