is there any mroe info about "bnet third parties", "sc2 phoenix"?
im a bit disappointed that they already plan 2 expansions for diablo3 cause that kinda inclines content being hold back from the original came imho but its also cool cause i will nerd the fuck out of this game
and why would they plan to release the new mmorpg titan at the same time as the last expanison for wow?
If I was a Blizzard customer I'd be pretty pissed at the release of "personal subscriber data".
Apart from that, who gives a fuck (yeah, lots of people do, but who gives a fuck about people who give a fuck about Blizzard's plans)
im a bit disappointed that they already plan 2 expansions for diablo3 cause that kinda inclines content being hold back from the original came imho but its also cool cause i will nerd the fuck out of this game
and why would they plan to release the new mmorpg titan at the same time as the last expanison for wow?