r_mode -1
r_customheight 852
r_customwidth 480
Does not work on my laptop. In fullscreen I get a small quake on the bottom of my screen with a big black border around it.
r_mode 7 doesnt work too. Same error.
r_customaspect 1 is set to get 16:9 resolution.
My displays native resolution is 1366x768. I need a lover one to prevent framedrops.
What can I do?
r_customheight 852
r_customwidth 480
Does not work on my laptop. In fullscreen I get a small quake on the bottom of my screen with a big black border around it.
r_mode 7 doesnt work too. Same error.
r_customaspect 1 is set to get 16:9 resolution.
My displays native resolution is 1366x768. I need a lover one to prevent framedrops.
What can I do?
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