Went into the Apple shop to irritate them. I'm not clued up on Apple shit to be honest. I have two G5 macs for music production but hate them with a fucking passion. They may be plug-in and play easy life for music and shit, but small bits about them piss me off to hell. I won't go too much into that, but the one bugbear I really have with Mac's is mice. The mice sensors are fucking terrible and the acceleration curve is horrible. I get cramp just trying to use the damn things so I usually just plug in my WMO. Even with that plugged in though, you have to download shit to make it feel somewhat normal (by normal, I mean like a PC). Anyway, that's getting completely offtopic...
So I go into the Apple store to ask them what's up with it. Dunno who else has been in one of them but it never really deviates from that stereotypical trendy 20 something shop where people hang out with latte's and sniff their own farts. Quite frankly, even though I know some people that work in Apple shops and hang around these types of people sometimes, it goes without saying. I'M A PC. Anyway, I go up to the help-desk to ask what's up with it and get lots of dirty looks from people around me when I bring out my monstrosity of a 4 year old iPod classic (HOW DARE YOU BRING THAT IN HERE?).
They ask the usual crap like what generation it is. Fucked if I know that. Apparently it's a 5th gen so they tell me "We can offer you a warranty on it whereby you give us that iPod and we replace it with another 5G classic for full retail price". Standing there repeating that sentence in my head for a bit I finally reply "... that's not replacing it though, that's just buying a new one surely? What's the point in that?" to which the retarded reply that came back was "some people have a sentimental value to their iPods"
Derp. Okay, whatever, I told them I'll pass and would rather just buy a new -new- one. Was gonna get another classic since that all I really want an iPod for: Music. Don't want an iPhone cause I cba with that shit but the touch looked pretty damn cool. Anyway, I bought an iPod touch in the end and depressingly discovered the app store.
Currently got:
- Tetris - shitter then I thought it would be. Too used to decent controls on PC or old school GameBoy D-pads and playing it on a touch screen is like sanding my balls with razorwire. Nothing more frustrating then setting up a tetris and then one of the blocks getting fucked up by dragging down. Write off basically, but whatever, might be useful to have around...
- Plants vs Zombies - tried it in the Apple store and as most people who have played it know, it's pretty cool. Fun shit and addictive.
- Dragon's Lair 3D - I vaguely remember this game from ages ago. Downloaded it, not tried yet but it'll probably be a beast
- Karate Kid - It was free so figured may as well download it for shits and giggles. Fucking hilarious
- Star Wars Imperial Academy - Epic again. FPS win. Got pissed off when I tried to find Yoda Stories though. That game was awesome and what pissed me off so much was some dickhead put up a "Yoda Stories cheats" app but not the actual fucking game. Anyway, downloaded YS on my PC instead...
- Wolfenstein 3D and Doom Classic - Profit. Not much to be said except they play really well on the iPod
- Final Fantasy 1 - I expect this will be the game I play most when in waiting rooms or traveling. Love FF so this will be awesome. Haven't loaded it up yet though cause I don't want to eat too much into it.
Considered getting Rage, but honestly... It just looks shit. Would rather just wait for the full deal. Anyway, anyone else got any tips for good (free preferably since I don't want to buy more since I already got enough on my plate :P) apps?
Edited by ZeritoN at 21:58 CST, 21 December 2010 - 8302 Hits
everyone is praising Angry Birds, might be worth a look. (in the end its just a rip off of the flash game crush the castle, but hey, seems like you dont mind paying for shit.)
also, fuck apple, fuck the appstore, fuck ipods