Little help needed here. In most battles with rockets, I'm terrible, and considering Quake is a rocket game (at least imo), that can be a bit of a pain sometimes. I'm trying to rely less and less on hitscan nowadays since playing duel and my rockets just aint up to it. What I find weird is that on fairly open maps like DM6 and to a lesser extent T7, they're not all that bad. Infact, I'd say they're alright. I can hit air-rockets and shit fairly often if I put my mind to it but maps like ZTN and DM13 it's a struggle to hit people.
Now, I don't think I've really had this problem in other games like CPMA and TF2 but I'm getting the feeling it's one of two things:
- My sensitivity is too low (36cm for a 360) - Although I don't think this is really too much to blame
- I'm just shit at knowing angles on maps and opponents
So what's your best strategy for generally getting better at RL use? One thing I've found is coming from CS (yeye I know) I tend to look at the upper portion off an enemy model (primarily because I'm used to aiming for the head). That's not to say I'm not aiming slightly down for splash when I'm shooting people, but I'm looking at the upper portion, so I figured looking at their feet would be a better playing style since you'd see more the direction they're moving etc. In general though, I'm just playing more duels then I used to and trying to use better weapon choices (before it would really just be LGLGLGLG-RAIL! with the odd RL splash battle)
Now, I don't think I've really had this problem in other games like CPMA and TF2 but I'm getting the feeling it's one of two things:
- My sensitivity is too low (36cm for a 360) - Although I don't think this is really too much to blame
- I'm just shit at knowing angles on maps and opponents
So what's your best strategy for generally getting better at RL use? One thing I've found is coming from CS (yeye I know) I tend to look at the upper portion off an enemy model (primarily because I'm used to aiming for the head). That's not to say I'm not aiming slightly down for splash when I'm shooting people, but I'm looking at the upper portion, so I figured looking at their feet would be a better playing style since you'd see more the direction they're moving etc. In general though, I'm just playing more duels then I used to and trying to use better weapon choices (before it would really just be LGLGLGLG-RAIL! with the odd RL splash battle)
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