230807 Hits
after the first kill. I also noted the feel of the shaft was radically different, once minute it was GODLIKE, the next it was just ok.
He can play quake to a decent standard when he's in shape. If he couldn't then there wouldn't be a demo of him taking a dutch national player into OT. It just doesn't happen if there is no skill there.
Yes I am Jamerio.
I'm not pretending to be anyone else, I simply hit the 13337th post I had planned all along.
But then you already knew this which is why you did not play.
For an admin you are not so bright.
Both those maps were not the same one I posted.
Seem's to me
By jameriofox Jamerio +++
Account's seem's easy, but it's fugging boring.
That seem's true to me, but its also the most popular OS, so whatever.
seem's fine, but I would still go with Q6600 processor.
which seem's right for the fans in their own little bubble but would be a commercial disaster
its kinda funny you guys think I could not seriously do a better job of being anon than that but I think its Kdawg trolling you.
And his profile obviously make it aware he reading all this.
United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I made the mistake of letting some kid use my steam account as he played counter strike and I only used steam to play Half life 2 in 2004.
He told me he got banned for cheating several years ago.
So I am now in control of the account again just so you know. Do yourself a favour, don't leand anyone your steam details. especially nubby CS players.
I can't even stand Counterstrike anyway, nubs game.