As some of you may know, i'm from the south. All of us from the south are well aware of our history... you know, slavery of blacks, hating blacks, that sort of thing. Of course, i'm not exactly part of that clique, but, I am aware of several black jokes and black songs.
Q: How do you stop 5 black guys from raping a white woman?
A: Throw them a basketball.
Q: Why do black people always have sex on their minds?
A: Because they have pubes on their heads.
While many of you around the world might listen to Skrewdriver regularly, i'm just curious as to whether you have your own black jokes worth contributing. I'd really to like to hear them. Free-speech, even when that speech is racist or offensive, should be promoted.
Q: How do you stop 5 black guys from raping a white woman?
A: Throw them a basketball.
Q: Why do black people always have sex on their minds?
A: Because they have pubes on their heads.
While many of you around the world might listen to Skrewdriver regularly, i'm just curious as to whether you have your own black jokes worth contributing. I'd really to like to hear them. Free-speech, even when that speech is racist or offensive, should be promoted.
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