The bane of my fking life it seems. Anyone from England, I cannot urge you enough to stay far away from Plusnet. It seems every other game I get lagged out of kicked (which really isn't helpful if you're in a duel or pickup)
Gone through countless different routers and hardware in the last year because they just refuse to accept they're shite, so I've finally switched.
Once again... Anyone from England, stay away from them. I know people complain about their internet providers in the UK quite alot, but this is beyond a joke
Average connection (on a good day) to UK servers:
Gone through countless different routers and hardware in the last year because they just refuse to accept they're shite, so I've finally switched.
Once again... Anyone from England, stay away from them. I know people complain about their internet providers in the UK quite alot, but this is beyond a joke
Average connection (on a good day) to UK servers:
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