There are two distinct groups in the United States: the union and the confederacy. It all dates back to the civil war. Today, you would see these groups as Democratic and Republican. You can always tell the real difference between them, because Democratics always say 'we the people', as it is found in the constitution, while Republicans always say, 'I the individual'. You can see, 'I the individual' is the direct opposite, and therefore, direct opponent of 'we the people'. It is a constant state of subversive insurrection we face here.
For example, they (confederates), maintain that a 'well regulated militia' means there is basically no regulation whatsoever, and instead, any random, individual person may keep and bear arms. You might wonder why there are so many gun-deaths here. Well, it is precisely because the civil war never ended. The wild perversions of the 2nd-amendment only show how gross the misrepresentations have gone.
For example, they (confederates), maintain that a 'well regulated militia' means there is basically no regulation whatsoever, and instead, any random, individual person may keep and bear arms. You might wonder why there are so many gun-deaths here. Well, it is precisely because the civil war never ended. The wild perversions of the 2nd-amendment only show how gross the misrepresentations have gone.
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